Confusion roughly contraceptive pill?

I am not on the Pill yet, although I have some questions.
Is nearby a type of pill available that does not have contraception, one that is only used for period?

I want to get The Pill with contraception but because of my age I'm not sure if the doctor would prescribe that one and my mother will be in the GP's organization with me and I'd be embarrassed saying it within front of her :S
Sorry there are no pills short contraceptive just for your periods other than PMS medicine like Midol. How old are you? Even if you are under 18 you can agree to the doctor privately about woman's health problems including talking almost birth control. Just talk to the doctor and they will tell you what they suggest. Good luck
There is no pill in need contraception. There would be no point to that pill. I got on the pill at 16, and I'm still on the same one 4 years later. It is doubtful they'd prescribe anything that doesn't enjoy contraception included because I've never heard of any pill like that. The way the pill works is it keep you from ovulating. If you don't ovulate there is no chance of pregnancy. So I don't think within is a way for the pill to fix your periods without keeping you from getting pregnant.
You involve to tell the doctor if you are sexually active or planning to become sexually active. The can't relay your mom, so if you can get her out of the room, tell them.
... no, not that I know of. If you want contraception, why would you want to take one explicitly only used for periods anyway?

You could always try motto that your periods are extremely irregular, or very painful and vastly heavy, and ask for the pill that way.
Im guessing ur under the age of 16. I dont believe at hand is a pill specifically for periods. But it would be dumb 2 get one thats not a contraceptive. using the pill and a condom makes it importantly unlikly u'll get pregnant and the pill allows for unprotected sex most of the time. The condoms failure rate is actually 20% dont rely on that. the pill used correctly is still 99.99% Take the pill and speak 2 ur mom about it. she'll probably agree u should have it
All forms of the pill are to prevent contraception, but they do it in slightly different ways. Some girls use the birth control pill to regulate their period or lessen acne, but those are just side effects of preventing contraception.

So, if you want to travel on birth control, your doctor shouldn't refuse to prescribe it to you. And he's not allowed to tell your mom. But if your mom will be surrounded by the room, then she'll probably hear. If you want, you can go to planned parenthood. They are really nice and really dutiful. And can definitely answer all your questions.
No, all of them are contraceptive.
Just voice it is for your periods, but it will protect you from pregnancy aswell.
I'm 14, and I'm on the pill
Basically, at any age you can get it, because relations use it for acne, periods, etc.

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