My boobs hold grown. Well, I reflect on they enjoy...comfort?

I ate a lot of bread last weekend, and it was merely this week when I realised that my boobs looked bigger. Does bread make my boobs bigger?! If it does, is there a way where on earth I can make my breasts smaller again or at least loose the heaviness? Its resembling bigger than my hand, but I'm a C cup. I want my breasts smaller.
If you want them smaller lose weight. But be careful i go from an E to a AA.
1) Bread specifically does not breed your boobs grow bigger. Breast are made out of fatty tissue, so gaining weight can.
2) The only ways to spawn your breast small are to lose weight or have surgery. If you are already small framed, then losing freight won't help. Breast size can be attributed to genetics. Look at the women in your home, if they have large breast, you are more likely to hold large breast.
3) Get a good underwire support bra and sleep with it at hours of darkness. This can help alot with sagging.
4) Most citizens would envy being in your situation and pay thousands of dollars to bring large breast :) Source(s): In five years I went from an A to an F. All the women in my ethnic group have large, large breast.
bread doesnt make ur boobs bigger...they're just growing.theres nought u can do about that.If you lose weight tho they'll get smaller tho...
Mine own recently grown more too.
Sometimes you just have a erratic growth spurt.

Or are you exercising? Like press ups or swimming?
That can improve the size.

Or it could be weight gain (don't be alarmed!)

Or maybe you are due on for your term?
Eating plentifully of bread will make your entire body larger. The size of your breasts is controlled by your genetics. Remember your breast are a sweat gland made up of fatty tissue. You gain weight you intact body gets larger, you lose weight your entire body will get smaller, Unfortunately, we focus on breasts and discern the weight loss there and don't realize it's happening everywhere.
Good Luck

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