Weird Period at 13? PLEASE HELP!?

Im 13 years old and ever since I started my period last year everything have been Fine, but lately I have been have eating problems and I rarely drink water. My spell started this week when it was supposed to, but the thing is, its not blood thats coming out. Its brownish-black stuff. I have also have diarrhea lately and severe cramps. {yes i know you get cramps on your period.} is there something wrong, should I jump to the doctor to check it out or what?

Thanks in advance!
yeah thats totally average, my vagina seeps brownish black ooze all the time. proboblly just a blood clot or something, you get nothin' to worry about
the brownish black stuff is likely to be blood clots which is normal to own but if you are having suddenly different signs then you should get checked out to be on the not dangerous side but there's nothing to worry about
Most girls get there's from age 10-16. So your right within the middle. Brownish-Blackish stuff occasionally come out when you have your period, and i feel your anguish because i'm 15, and have bad cramps and diarrhea. Always drink water even if you don't want to! Your body requests fluids, or else you will get really sick! If this keeps up afterwards go to the doctor.
That's never happened to me, you should travel to the doctor

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