Yeast infection for over 8-9 months!?

Okay get some cream and pills for it and start wearing cotton underwear!! Go to your GP asap.
Since you don't give a lot of details I am not sure if you mean that you hold a yeast infection that has lasted 8-9 months or one that keeps coming rear for 8-9 months. Either way, I would see a doctor to make sure it is a yeast infection and they can give you something to run care of it, or you can use an over the counter treatment. In the meantime take a look at what you are eating and drinking. While it's true that yeast infections can be from stress profoundly of the time it is from what you put into your body. If you drink a lot of alcohol you are putting a lot of yeast in your body, merely like if you eat a lot of bread or foods that contain yeast. So besides treating it you can also cut of foods/drinks that are keeping it around and start ingestion stuff that will help you. Eat lots of yogurt, drink lots of water, stay away from sugar, and it should start to get better.
congratulations x
A yeast infection is a vaginal infection that is usually caused by a fungus. Women who have this infection may consistency itching, burning when urinating, and pain, and some women have a vaginal discharge. Yeast infections occur more frequently within women with diabetes.

It is not always necessary to hold discharge with yeast infection,at times itching burning and pain arises due to it.

I had it within the past,Here is what i tried to cure it Naturally:

If you are sexually influential, you may need to get your partner treated. You could be using products to clear yourself, but then hold on to getting re-infected by your partner. Your partner may not show any signs.

If you are not sexually active, you could be prone to infection. Check your diet (avoid mushrooms and quorn products, improve your intake of fresh fruit and veggies, and garlic). I agree with the proposal about clean cotton underwear, loose fitting. Make sure you use hypoallergenic washing powder.

If these adjectives fail, you MUST go to your Doctor. There could be an underling reason why you can't procure rid of this infection.

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