What is sperm similar to:)?
go and watch fully developed movies
Well i cant exactly answer this but my friend who has given a bj before told me what its resembling in your mouth. It is pretty thick and i think it doesnt really own a taste but the thing is is that when you swallow it it doesnt go down to glibly.. Lol, but you need a man to answer this one : )
Feels gross. Smells a little funky too. Source(s): :p
It's basically sticky and gooey. It's kind of close to gel, but stickier.
Unless of course you meant inside yourself, which I being mannish couldn't say.
Lol. It's sticky and gooey, contradicting what the previous answer says, savour very salty. Smells kinda like fish lmao!!
It's not too much diff from feminine cervical mucus in texture (depending on where she is at in her cycle) but it is usually a creamy/watery type white.
Why do you ask? lol Just an extraordinary question...
try to do something else instead of screwing around next to these useless questions..
`Unlike otheres on this board, I've thankfully never smellt anything fish-like with mine. Mine smells almost close to bleach, but not that strong. I'm assuming it's pretty tateless lol, unless someone with "tasting" experience would stand to correct me.
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