Feels Like His Penis Hits My Cervix?

When I have sex with my boyfriend sometimes, well most times, when he sticks it adjectives the way in as far as it will go it hurts on the inside approaching when you go to the doctor and they feel your cervix, is it possible that his penis actually hits my cervix? Is it okay? It hurts, but I love the passageway it hurts... sorry of thats like a TMI thing. lol
Yes its possible hes hitting it.
Yes it probably is hitting your cervix, and that's normal. The vagina is typically only 4-5 inches deep so if he's bigger than that he's gonna hit it. You like the method it hurts because it is/can be stimulating to have it touched in certain ways. Also if he's big plenty he's probably going behind your cervix, there's a sort of pocket there. It's just extra nouns up there. Just tell him to be gentle if he is realadjectiveshurting you, and enjoy!

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