I hold found a lump within both breasts they are terrifically tender what could it be?

My paternal grandmother had a double mastectomy due to cancer in her breasts
It could just be fibroid tumors (harmless but painful)...they would obligation to be biopsied to find out for sure. I know it's scary and unnerving to find a lump, but the sooner your have it checked out...the better. Don't delay caladjectivesg the doctor. Best wishes... :0)
Because you know your history, I'm going to incite you to have your doctor check your breasts each year during the time you get your pap smear done (once a year).

My girlfriend, precipitate 30's, didn't pay attention and was clueless about breast cancer and they have the worst one in their family. Luckily, she survived 4th stage breast cancer, lost both breasts and lymphnodes, just have reconstruction which isn't the same.

Also, people aren't aware that cancer drugs aren't covered lower than medical you need to have thousands on dollars put aside for this.

Each time during your period, in attendance are little lumps or cysts in our breast that grow and shrink with our hormone levels. You may be getting close to your interval and it's sensitive.

If you notice a rash, or scalyey skin, then hold your doctor run tests.
Breast cancer is inherent as someone else already mentioned. I lost my grandmother to breast cancer. If you are finding any "abnormality" that feels like a lump then you should sort an appointment with your gynocologist immediately for a breast exam. You should tell them roughly your family history including your grandmothers breast cancer so that they can get you into the office for frequent mammograms.
Well since you have a line history it should be looked into.
Risks for cancer are: increased estrogen, trauma, family history, age

But if it comes and goes with your period its probably just fibrocystic disease of fibroadenoma. In any case GO see a doc!
Breast cancer can be hereditary. I would get it looked at right away. Do you do monthly breast exams. i hope you just found it out, because the faster you get it diagnosed, the faster it will get treated, and the smaller quantity chance you will have for more complications (including death)
Go to a doctor and check it out. But cancerous tumors aren't painful. They just be just an indifferent lump. (My ex had a cancerous tumor in his throat)

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