When you are give or take a few to enjoy your time does it surface resembling you own to pee?

lol some times for me
i get a tiny cramp and then i budge to the bathroom and walla bloodddd
that tiny cramp is a very good warning for me at university :D
It can have a feeling like you have to pee, but not the sensation to stop it.

No one can predict when you'll start but you can figure it out for within future by watching all your symptoms and recording it respectively month on a calendar.

Almost every girl and every mother wonders when this event will take place. Some teenagers/preteens may find it to be an exciting, frightening, intriguing, and/or a drudging time.

A period can look like copious things to many different people. It can show up as one red dot, a long stringy cord of blood, mixed with creamy white discharge and swirls of different colored cords, a blob (clot) that can be the size of a pea and big as kiwi (fruit).

The colors can severely from very bright red which is fresh shedding from your uterus filled with blood and tissue, as the days progress the color can or will start to turn dark & darker, burgundy, brown, and then even black. As blood & scent ages, the color gets dark and the scent can be no scent, a faint odour, to a much more intense & noticeable sour smell.

The period itself can ultimate a few hours up to 7-10 days. Everyone is different and will have their own routine and schedule. Along with the time of year, is uterine contractions, cramps. They can be mildly unnoticeable to bedridden discomfort.

How Can I Prepare For My Period To Come?

First, order your first period kit from Kotex at the following connect:



Then you want to print off a blank calendar for the next few months. You can decorate the calendar so it's not so boring or so it blends into your room, binder, or notebook.

What Do I Record on the Calendar?

You will want to create a fable of symbols to represent various symptoms that will arise as your body matures and prepares for your period. I usually use colors and three simple symbols ~ circle, square, and triangle.

What Changes Should I Expect?

Emotions ~ Anger, Bawling, Irritable, Mellow, Rage, Sadness, Screaming, Weepy

Physical ~ Larger, Heavier, Taller, Hair Growth within Underarms & Pubic Area, Abdominal & Intestinal Cramps, White Creamy Discharge, Spotting, Mixed Discharge with White/Red Cords/Stringy, Tender Breasts (hurt, irritated, or itchy), Uterine Discharge for Monthly Cycle.

Psychological ~ Self Image, Relationships With Others, Moods, Sexuality and Future Outlook both Emotional & Relational

Each time my daughter had an emotional outburst we record a coloured circle on the calendar. These feelings included anger, rage, & screaming as a red circle, bawling, crying, tearing, & weeping as a blue circle, and impatientience, irritability, malicious & disagree ability as a green circle. They are all symptoms of your hormones and will affect all your relationships and social groups.

The rest of the answer is on another site because near isn't enough room.

No u feel like somethings coming out from down at hand but you know it's not pee.
if youre sitting down i usually dont notice
but if it happens as i progress to stand up, then it feels like youre wet yourself a little bit Source(s): :)
Nope, not really!

This was something I was really nervous something like before I had my period. When I be told that women bleed every month, I worried about blood gushing out!

What happens is, blood slowly leaks out. It's resembling a very slow, steady drip. It doesn't feel like anything is "full," but you may hold some cramps or strange digestion before you get your period.

You don't achieve rid of it all in one sitting - like you do when you pee - but a bit it is a slow leak over the course of three to five days (your first one might not be that long) and you'll just need to transform your pantyliner often.

Be sure to drink lots of water during your period and stay away from caffeine if you can.. that might put together cramps worse! Also be sure to eat lots of healthy, nutritious foods.

And don't worry too much - it's not as terrifying as it seems, once it happens you'll be thinking, "That was it?!?"

with the sole purpose if you also have a bladder infection.
Nope. Your underwear just feels damp and uncomfortable and when you go to the bathroom, there's blood in your underwear.

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