**Period question*****?


I gave off the pill over a year ago and didn't have a extent until the 26th June (period then lasted for a week). The next spell i had was around the beginning of August (again last for a week). So...when will my next one be?

As i'm going on holiday soon and so was thinking of going back on the pill a short time ago for the fact that i wont be on my period when im away.

yeah use the pill, or step to doc's and ask them for something to supress it.
If you find that your extent is getting too inconvenient then a good solution is to get pregnant?
you cant really be convinced
periods can always be unaccurate even if you never were on the pill
28 days from your last period...
28 days from your ultimate period Source(s): im a girl
Consult your gyno, ffs.

no relating, best bet would to get back on the pill to assure you wont have it.
count 28 days from the last time u got it

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