What are some reason for a sharp, stabbing dull pain within my pelvic area/abdomen?

It might be helpful to know that I'm 17.
Period cramps
it can be period crams, gas pain from intervals of taking in food and afterwards fasting a bit, if you're pregnant it could be a sign of ectopic pregnancy, and basically those are the most common.....I would engender sure it's not gas or period crams b4 running to the doc! Source(s): I'm a doctor.
It could be ovarian cysts -- i had them off and on when I be younger. You get a sharp burning pain in your mid-pelvis, usually worse around your mid-cycle and close at hand your period so every two weeks is about right. They are often aggravated by drinking like mad of caffeine so you might try cutting bak coffee and colas if you drink them.

But, just in shield it is something more serious, you ought to see a doc. If you have been sexually active, in that is the possibility of a tubal pregnancy, which could be fatal if left to rupture. The fact that your appetite is suppressed might indicate some sort of infection, too. At your age you should start seeing a gynecologist anyway for your reproductive strength. If you haven't had a checkup and internal exam yet you probably should do so soon and you could discuss your discomfort with the doctor. No inevitability to suffer.

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