My bladder STILL hurts and obligation toilet loads?

ive had on off bad urine infections for over 2 months conceivably 3 its becoming so annoying, ive gone to the doctors loads of times, and had two different antibiotics, the urine sample which was sent sour shows no signs of infection but white blood sells.. it seems to go away later come back again. it seems to get alot better when i drink booze but ive just this minute heard that just irritates it more, like loads of things

ive get a burning pain in my bladder now and im worried that using my laptop on my knees could be irratating it even further..

what can i do now? does holding it in make it worse because i thought it might stretch the bladder? of late want to be back to normal :(
I dont know much about this but drinking lots of cranberry juice should help. And keeping away from tea and coffee.

What did you in fact get diagnosed with?
Firstly are you a man or woman?
Holding urine in does sort you more susceptible to infection, you need to drink plenty of water also. Are you a heavy drinker? perchance something you are drinking is making you... allergic?

I don't really know what to suggest, other than get your doctor to send you for further trialling.
Good luck.
I'd travel to the ER and let them figure it out. Your doctor sure isn't getting the job done. Try another doc as ably. That can be a serious illness.
"to the bat mobille"
Dunna nunna nunna nahh...
"Robin I think Ive found the answer........its a ......bladder transplant"
"Holy Shmokes Batman!"
I use to suffer from the same condition for copious years. I eventually got to the root of the malady. It's possible you have urethritis. It helped me tremendously to be put on antispasmodics. Mine be caused from sexual intercourse and the dr placed me on antibiotics that I took only after I had sex and the antispasmodic if it flared up. I don't know if you are sexually influential but, if so, it might be the cause. Also, drink lots of cranberry juice (the acidity helps) and lots of hose to flush out infection. Don't hold back on eliminating your bladder. The Dr told me to lean forward at the end of urinating to get rid of completely. Wear cotton underwear and remember to wipe from front to back. No bubble baths, either. Good Luck.
Drink cranberry juice regularly, a lot of soft in general, but not too sugary because that feeds the germs that cause infections, and if applicable, pee after you have sex to flush out bacteria that can be pushed into your urethra during intercourse. Also, avoid fragranced pantyliner and vaginal douches. Vaginal douches do NOT make you "clean", they make you more vulnerable to infections because they flush out the honest bacteria (yes, there are good bacteria) that protect you.

Note: You can own a bladder irritation without actually having a bladder infection. I've have both.

Edit: No, the acidity *helps*. Orange juice has a great deal of sugar, and certainly isn't recommended during a bladder irritation/infection. I should have mentioned that unsweetened cranberry juice is what you should be drinking (with sweetener if you can't stand it tart).

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