Itchy vagina..? Please relieve?

My boyfriend fingered me last friday, but it wasn't the first time he did. The day after I had severe itching around the threshold of my vaginal hole and all around and it didn't stop for a week. It's milder now but it still itches from time to time. Any advice on how to sort it stop?
get vagisil its over the counter! and it does work. if the itch doesn't stop whit in a few days try monistat to treat a mild yeast infection its over the counter too! but try vagisil first!
He may have had something on his hand that irritated your vagina.
I would suggest making sure you clean up real good, resembling with unscented soap and a wash rag.
If you are have discharge it could be yeast or another type of vaginal infection.
I would go see a doctor.
scratch it
Dildo? :o

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