Painful spell I am surrounded by cramp comfort?

My period is too painful and it is irregular.I have past and after bleeding.Mostly before and when I finally have normal bleeding it hurts really discouraging.I have pain for 3 days.The last time I have my period it hurt so much I had pain for a week.I go to doctor she said I have fibroids and I have no cancer cells.How do I stop the twinge.
You can thieve contraceptive pills, but only if ur doctor tells u too:)

Fibroids are treated this way, another route is surgery, but only ur doctor will tell you wat is best for u. Source(s): medicine student
Oh I can relate.
Yesterday I had such desperate cramps that I threw up three times! I spent the day in bed with a hot hose down bottle and a heating pad on my stomach and back. It be horrible. Try to get prescribed a painkiller. I take Naproxen 500mg, but I should probably aim something stronger. I've also heard birth control pills can help the pain that comes next to menstruation so if you're interested maybe look into that...
I had the very same issues. I was surrounded by so much pain before and after along with inkling nauseated and extreme headaches. Pain killers eventually wore off and I couldn't stay contained by a bath tub for the entire duration. I had 6 small fibroids but ended up have to get an Endometrial Ablation done (not saying that you need this procedure). This be done a year ago, my periods are way lighter and shorter. I still have cramping. You may freshly need to get your fibroids removed depending on their size and location. Good luck!!
All I can suggest is painkillers, and heat get a hot dampen bottle put it to your stomach curl up on your bed and try and focus on something else I know its hard! watch a really good tv show.

Feel better soon.
sorry I cant do much else. Source(s): Me
take a pain drug to help.
get a heating wipe to help relax the muscles.
take a hot bath.
i've also read that running help, it gets oxygen in the blood.
drink lots of water.
if your surrounded by horrible pain, maybe your doctor can give you some giant dose pain relievers.
Don't enjoy experience with fibroids, but with severe pain close to that. Neproxen sodium (non-gelcaps) works best because it doesn't contain the drug fillers of other pain relievers. Those drug fillers in other products are not organic, hence they contain trace amounts of substances that roughly simulate weak neurons that may be a source of pain in the first place. Your discomfort can be multicausal so it make sense to treat your symptoms as if they are not just from fibroids.

Try these things until your discomfort goes away. Drink only life whole milk (others are not fully organic when reconstituted with water) and drink only organic dairy of only fully life ingredients. Drink and cook with only spring water. Eat simply organic food of fully organic ingredients all the time. Brush near baking soda and use a peroxide based mouth rinse.

Non-organic milk was the cause of my stomach-ache. It was too strong for certain body function regulating neurons. I had that for decades. Had to dally until organic milk was available to discover that was the source of my affliction. On organic whole milk, periods be much shorter and lighter. It wouldn't hurt either to wash you laundry in single unscented detergent with no fabric softener to reduce over-all neuron stimulation, since neuron signals are electrical and distress is an electrical problem in the nervous system. Or try just a few of these philosophy at a time and keep adding on until the pain go away.

Good luck to you. Hope you feel better soon. Source(s):………
"Is This Your Child" Doris Rapp, MD - environmental allergist, case studies of people near unconventional allergic reactions to unconventional aladjectivesgens,
Excitotoxins - "The Taste That Kills" Russel Blaylock - neurosurgeon, review of the history of and case against MSG, glutamic acid and other neuron toxins used in foods.

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