How do I fashion my vagina smell better?
How do I make it smell better? Can anyone relief?
If it smells like fish, you own vaginosis. It's an infection of the vagina that needs you to see the doctor for swabs and tests.
You never do anything with your vagina or the infection get worse and worse because you will upset the natural flora and ph.
If you have washed near soap down there, it probably grew to a much bigger infection.
1. Wash daily. You don't need to use any silly feminine wash. Any meek soap will work. All around the vaginal opening ((never inside)) and all in between the folds of the vaginal oral cavity. Also, when you go to the restroom, wipe as well as you can, again, all around the vaginal initial as well.
2. Wear a pantyliner. It will protect your panties from getting any vaginal secretions on them which will cut down on odor.
3. Stay hydrated. Drink at least 1 to 2 liters of dampen a day. This will help dilute and neutralize your own natural discharges, and it's freshly good for you anyway. Also, eat lots of fruit.
First make sure you are clean, don't have an virus or std. Douche occasionally. Watch what you eat. Also, it helps to shave your pubic hair. Source(s):…
maybe you should visit a drugstore or a cvs/walgreens type store & pick up a bottle of some feminine dust by summers eve. its a wash specifically for the vagina area and it doesnt harm it but keep it feeling/smelling clean & refreshed..also dont wear panties that are too tight or too small, it traps bacteria and could be injurious to ur health in the long run..cotton undies are always apt, allowing the vagina to breathe..if ur problem gets worse, you could always just call on a GYN doctor.
Go to the doctor ASAP! Every vagina have an odor but should never smell like that! Get it checked ou!!t You could have an STD, a urinary tract infection, or a yeast infection!! Better to be safe than sorry!
try washing it
take a shower before you do anything sexually and put power or gold ingots bond down there.....ewwww fish, really?
Go see your ob/gyn sweetie, you enjoy bacterial vaginosis. With the right treatment from your doc it should be gone within 5days.
Wash, and drink water or cranberry liquid. The juice is a remedy that my mom told me works.
try an antibacterial soap, but be sure to rinse capably or it could irritate it. also, it kinda sounds like you could have something, might want to get checked out by a doc.
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