Is it true that this happen after sex...? for women , guys can answer too.?

ok, my friend got a bigger butt after she had some sex. after I had sex relatives were saying that my butt got bigger but w.e I didnt really interest. I just want to knoe that after sex for the first time does your body change physically? I would like to knoe. not on period and stuff Just physically.. -Thnks
no. nothing changes at adjectives with your but. sometimes after woman gets older her hips receive wider so she looks like she has a bigger but, but it has nought to do with sex.
know is not spelled like knoe and hell no you don't get a bigger *** from have sex you get it from being lazy or it is in recent times the way you are made
No. having sex will NOT give you a bigger but. Though sex might encourage your hormones to amendment your's still a very slight and gradual change, and there's no way you'd mind if anything ever happened. ((which it won't))
No, you don't get a bigger butt after sex. How absurd.

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