Does this hold anything to do near my interval?

I am twelve years old. I have never had my time of year before. I am having a lot of cramps surrounded by my stomach and down there. I am also have having massive diarrhea and unusual poop. I also get a lot of headaches. Does this enjoy anything to do with me getting my first period?
Probably not. This just sounds like the flu. And it depends on respectively person- for instance, I don't ever get cramps or headaches or anything, and my period is really light- I hardly notice when I have it.

Also, you're a tad young to own your period...not necessarily, of course. My mother got hers when she be 11- but I'm sixteen, and I only got mine a year ago, when I was 15! So it adjectives depends. But sounds like not.
cramps and headacheeusuallyy mean that your interval is coming. i got mine when i was 12. but if your pooping and havediarrheaa thatprobablyy means that your not intake right and that can cause cramps. try eating more veggies. and healthy things. alot of unwanted items can do that to you. if it still happens talk to a doctor to see if you have to much acerbic in your stomack. and if there is nothing wrong afterwards yes it could be your period Source(s): me
yes it can be a sign of your first period Source(s): meee :)
Unlikely, but since you are 12 you are about the right age to start looking for your period to show up.

Sounds resembling you've got a bug to me. When you get your period probably you will enjoy no signs or symptoms beforehand, it'll just be there one day!
Usually people don't become aware of the symptoms until they realize they've had their first periods. It's good that you're observe yourself and prepare for it.
I had mine without knowing it would come (was 12 but didn't expect to have it yet). No symptoms, nil weird (or there could have be but there's some other reason for those incidences).
However later on i do get discouraging cramps and stomachache and diarrhoea while having period. I couldn't dismiss the possibility that you might have yours soon. It's knotty to say, really.
But whatever it is, don't mind over it too much. What you can do is prepare a pant, panty and a pad (ask from mum and explain to her it's just in case) in your sack so if it does come while you least expected it, you don't have to deal next to some embarassing mishaps.
Oh, and chocolate does help ease stomach cramps!
Considering the diarrhea, I'd speak no. It's possible though.
I agree beside Miskit It's possibly I know some women who get the period poo's I personally do not but it could be.... hold on to a pad in your purse or locker so you are not caught off guard or tampons if you prefer

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