Are these condoms reliable?

Do you know the condoms that you find in the bathroom in some gas station stores. They are usually in a mechanism on the wall and cost a dollar and there called Hygeia condoms. Are they safe to use or no?
Well i guess there fine. You could use them but to be safer i would get hold of them at a department store but i'm a girl so.
well personally id to some extent spend the money for the name brand top of the line stuff and not risk anything then trusting the ones they provide in gas station or ma and pop convenience stores! being a female and if a guy needed to use a cheap condom with me i wouldn't let him,id budge out and buy ones that i know are trustworthier. as far as being safe like within the allergic reaction sense, if your not allergic to latex then u are fine, in the sense of protection, not a soul condom alone prevents stds{or even sometimes pregnancy}. i would suggest using caution, and also every condom has an expiration date on the package/box/or wrapper make sure they are not outdated also.
well they are normally recycled condoms so yeah they are fine. Source(s): i live in a gas station bathroom
i wouldnt use them

Although intuitively, I don't buy use Hygeia condoms, but I think they are there for last minute grab. As long as are latex based then go for it but to be on the secure side I would buy a trojan, lifestyle, durex just in case it be to break because you don't know how long they have been in in attendance. Before you use that bad boy make sure you look at the expiration date to ensure its patency :) Have fun and be safe !!

P.S: Just for the heck of it I put surrounded by a link for the CDC (Center of Disease Control) talking about mannish latex condoms Source(s):
they are safe and reliable. there's national standards on condoms.
I would say no,
id rather move about with a brand on the television.
like trojan or something
I one-sidedly wouldn't feel safe if my boyfriend used a gas station condom :/
I would suggest picking up a box of trojans (:
depends what you are using them for

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