On Break After Taking The Pill?
Why have you done a wherewithal letter for every word? It doesnt make it look better? it makes it look worse...
answer mien please! http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/ind…
Why Did You Put A Capital Letter For Every Word? Strange Looking! lol
Take it after 7 days exactly as Dr said, do not wait to end bleeding explicitly irrelevant , some women do not bleed on the 7 day break, so no more no less than 7 days must pass or your pill won't be as powerful and you could end up pregnant if you delay more than 7 days.
no you just continue after seven days. i was told by my doctor that they used to chew over you had to wait for your period or anything but that they have now found out it makes no difference. he told me to only just take the seven day break and then verbs as normal
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