My contemporary girlfriend have a odor problem downstairs. sustain...?

whats the soulution for this or how do i talk to her about it with out mortal offensive? i love to go down, but this is a total turn off. please abet.
Have a shower beside her before.
However, it could be that she has a yeast infection / BV, so you may want to tactfully approach that subject.
You don't have to tell your girlfriend that she have an odor,she knows,unlles she doesen't have a nose on her frontage.You said that you love to go down on her,if you went down on her you gave her a bacterial infection.The spit contains too much germs.The mouth has more bacteria than the vagina and the mouth has rotten teeth.
Have a shower next to her so it dosent make it to obvious.
just sit her down and tell her your not trying to be offensive, but she desires to know about it it could possibly be some type of infection or it may just be what she's eating.. if you devour a lot of dairy products or junk food you might get a fishy smell down within or just a REALLY disgusting odor. So I would first see what she eats, and maybe assist her to try to change it.. then if it still doesn't change, settle to her about it!
you should just be honest and enlighten her the truth that's not good

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