Freaky Sex Tsunami!!?

My boyfriend and I were having sex last hours of darkness and he pushes me off of him and Im feeling embarrassed because something that have never happened before, but has be questioned, has happened. I mad. I hope. It didn't really smell like pee but in the jumping and confusion, after the fact, I know for sure I peed a little :)

How can you tell the difference between pee and ejaculate?
How much is middle-of-the-road or unrealistic?(it seemed almost unrealistic the amount?
And where is this liquid formed, stored, and what within the heck is it really for?
it have no purpose, it is just female ejaculation. you should know if you peed, ejaculation feels approaching an amazing orgasm.
Pee and ejaculate are hard to tell apart, because they both come out of the urethra. However ejaculate has a clear or milky color to it, while pee is clear or wan, depending on how much water you drinkk. Don't question it. Just enjoy it. BTW, women can ejaculate profusely. I lose a whole quart sometimes. It is formed and stored in the Skene's glands. It is similar to a prostate gland. Who knows what it is for?
Female ejaculation should be an ego boost for your boyfriend haha. He has found the legendary G-Spot...
It's not urine. It is produced (they think...) by the Skene's glands, which can produce a neutral amount of fluid (30-50mL) in a few seconds.
If it doesn't smell like pee and you don't have a feeling like you've relieved yourself by urinating, then chances are it wasn't pee. One style to make sure is to urinate before you have sex, that method if it happens again you'll know it is ejaculate.
It's weird the first time you do it cause you reckon 'oh god I just peed on my boyfriend' but in reality you can expel a fiesta amount of fluid (5mL or more). Porn isn't reeeeeeally the best way to check it out because they fake abundantly of it, but it might be able to give you an idea if you're ok near watching it.
Lubrication :L

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