What's the point of Gardasil if I'm choosing thrift?

My mom still wants me to get this shot, but I don't think it's worth it if I'm practicing prudence...
i am also practicing abstinence but the shots will finishing you your whole life. i got them and although they hurt a bit you own to realize that your protecting yourself from a very difficult form of cancer that is not caused but have sex.. i would get it if i were you and continue practicing self-denial. it could save you a whole lot of heart ache. :)
It's always better to be safe than sorry. You don't know what could happen. You may be raped (gods forbid) and fence in something, you future partner could have something, or something could happen and you transmutation your mind about practicing abstinence. I would say acquire it because the worst that is likely to happen is that you wont use it and energy will go on. But if something does happen and you end up beside HPV, you will find yourself wishing to took the extra precaution.
You may be abstinent now, but you will be sexually active someday. And even if you wait for conjugal does not guarantee your future husband did. He may have contracted the HPV virus and pass it on to you.
Plus you want to protect yourself within case you are ever sexually assaulted.
This vaccine is very important for your adjectives health and you should get it.
Listen to Mom she knows best. Source(s): reproductive strength nurse
Good for you to stay abstinent.
I think your mom of late wants you to be safe, so be nice and just draw from it so she's happy. Moms worry like that.

I know you want to be abstinent and I believe you will be, but you don't know what your adjectives holds. What if someday some creepy gross guy broke into your house or kidnapped you as you were walking home and raped you, and gave you HPV? Then you would enjoy wished you'd gotten the vaccine.
It's better safe than sorry.
i deliberate it sounds like a good idea. basically because your saving yourself for marriage doesnt mean for adjectives husband did. so he could have something and give it to you, or he might turn out to be a cheater! not that you really wanna mull over about it that way, but better safe than sorry.
All of my friends who get the Gardisil shots all became really sick.
You should tell your mom give or take a few how you want to be abstinent, and you might want to show her the list of allergic reactions that occur when taking the Gardisil shot. Source(s): http://www.gardasil.com/
Abstinence is a great choice, but the vaccine is geared towards and great for young females (ages 11 and 12 esp.) because at that age your cervix is still immature and not competent to protect itself. If you get the vaccine before you start having sex later it's like having a fully built wall around a castle to protect what's on the inside.

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