Why am I have brown vaginal discharge?

I'm due for my period in about a hours of daylight or two so maybe it's because of that. I've also taken the Plan B morning after pill a little over a week ago, could this be a side effect? or a sign of pregnancy? I think it's too much to be spotting. I woke up and it looked as if I be about to start a period but it stopped and it started again just immediately. It doesn't have any foul odor or anything like that.
shift to dr cuz u probably were already pregos
You should consult your Medical Doctor.
Brown discharge is old blood. The vagina is self-cleaning. Some women may find that they experience some spotting for a few days after taking Plan B. Wearing a pantyliner for two to three days is a righteous idea. Since you were/are close to starting your period anyway, could be your body is trying to start your period.
i think your eggo is a prego

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