Breast cut rate WITHOUT surgery?

My boobs aren't that big, im just a really small girl which makes them look huge. my friends constantly remind how big they are & it just make me hate my boobs more.

Ive considered surgery, however my mom will not even consider it as an option. i could cry for hours about how much i abominate my boobs. i just want normal sized boobs/ ones that fit my body.

is their ANY hope to anything other than surgery? closely of people say exercise, however i am about as skinny as they attain therefore i have nothing else to loose save for my boobs, yet they still remain after years of exercising. PLEASE HELP!
Girl, you need to own it
I know girls who hold huge boobs and are really small and guys think they are the hottest. I know a girl who is 4'7 and has HUGE boobs, I'm talking double d
I know a girl who have boobs so big she has to get her bras custom made (theyre kinda weirdly big but still)

Just put on a push up bra and flaunt your girls ;)

Consider yourself lucky, i wear a push up bra 24/7 and barely hold cleavage as much as i try so be proud of what you got, I'd trade ya if i could girlie.
Forget what everyone else has said above... what matter most is that you're uncomfortable with the attention that your boobs get. I agree near your mom that surgery shouldn't even be a consideration at your young age... Any surgery that requires you to be put to sleep is dangerous. Not to mention that breast reduction surgery is extremely aching! They remove your areolar (the colored part around your nipples) so your breast tissue can be evenly suck out, and then your areolar is stitched back into place. It requires a long, bumpy recovery. I would suggest instead that you purchase bust minimizing bras. They come is all sizes. Or, even a sports bra would help to minimize your breast size. Most minimizers will tender you the appearance of 1 to 2 sizes smaller. I hope this helps. Best wishes! :0)
Run alot and work out your pecs.... runners and weightlifters always loose their boobs!
It depends on your age. If you are under, I'd say 18, I think it's nontoxic for you to wait it out. I know its hard because people are constantly judge you, but your body is constantly changing. It will probably naturally even out by the time you are an adult. Maybe your boobs are done growing but the rest of your body is not. It lately depends. If you mature completely and your boobs are still a problem, it would be good to re-consider surgery.
I had breast reduction surgery. It help me a lot. However, I am still pretty big.

As you get older, you will appreciate your body more.

Try to see a psychoanalyst to try to get rid of these depressing thoughts you have about your body. If nil else, it might help you learn how to accept yourself as you are.

A lot of women would be envious of your boobs. There are men out within who only date women with big boobs (I was lucky and found one who loved my boobs and help me get over my dislike of them).

Maybe one day you will find a guy who loves your boobs and will make you surface better about them.

However, I am concerned about the negativity that leaks from your YAHOO examine. I think a therapist would help you like mad.

Basically it's this simple:

Your boobs are the first place you lose weight when you do and the first place you gain it.
So I can only suggest anyone healthy with your food and woring out regularily, you will see results

I mean look at Lindsay Lohan, everytime she looses counterbalance her boobs seem tiny and whenever she gains it back they are big =) Source(s): Personal Trainer.
lol relax, youll grow into them. As far as losing them short surgury you can lose them by losing weight, but since your so small already you gotta be careful bout how you do it. Ask a dietitian or your school vigour teacher
your friends are jealous of you they wish they have big ones don't let them get to you like that, be indebted for your body the way god made you,i bet the guys like them and the girls know that and so they are jealous of you and put you down
I prefer exercising that should support
exercise really can just have need of to do the right kind of it! bench pressing and things like that, that work out your chest will help you grow muscle surrounded by that area so they will have to shrink!
some society look at that as a blessing however i know where your coming from youll get used to them and people complementing them and when your prehistoric enough to go clubing you wont need to bring your own money lol
Maybe you should just consider yourself lucky that you aren't flat chested like alot of girls and love yourself for who you are.
this video may help.…
surgery is the singular option...and you can get it done at 18...(you can't diet or exercise large breasts away...)
You cannot get smaller breasts minus surgery.

If you want, try wearing tighter shirts, or smaller bra's to make your breast look smaller.

Men love big boobs, especially on small girls. Be proud.
ull probably get bigger so theyll look average size
you dont stipulation smaller boobs you should be happy with what you have, you may not similar to them now but im sure youll like them later contained by life. as you get older you body will start to blend contained by and it'll match ur boobs. but i bet the guys love them. the next time ur friends say somethin give or take a few them just say "shut up cuz u know u wish u have them" dont try to make them smaller
There isn't a way in need surgery really. It sounds like you are still in your teens from the fact that your mom get a say, so hang on. You will probably fill out contained by your 20s and could end up with a body that fits your boobs. If not, when you get here if you still feel the same way, you can look into surgery after. A good plastic surgeon usually won't touch girls below a certain age anyway since your body's not done developing yet. Besides, adjectives surgery comes with risks, and people have died from complications of plastic surgery. And breast cut comes with its own set of risks to the breast and sensation and breast feeding if that's in your adjectives. Do you hate them that much to risk all that?

Try and be proud of your body. Tell your friends to stop with the comments because they hurt your sensations. Those comments have undoubtedly contributed to your bad feelings in the order of your body.

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