Debate on Abortion...?

For all you Pro-Choicers, why is abortion so great?? Me and the Pro-Lifers will argue you on it, so be prepared =]
its not a BABY, its a fertilized egg without a heart or bones or brain and it can't feel cramp, so of course it has no say! it DOESN'T CARE, IT CAN'T TELL THE DIFFERENCE! its a parasite because it take nutrients from the host. if you are going to be an unfit mother, why bring a child into that? And backfiring on you, even if you ARE raped, it's not the "baby's" fault, right? Yeah, teens and people that are unfit obligation to be more careful, but because they are in that position, they have equal reason to get an abortion as a rape victim does. GOD! IT ISN'T A CHILD! it's an egg! Do you devour eggs, because it's the same thing, you're a murderer if you do, "That poor baby chicken that doesn't hear or have a feeling or think!" Are women killing babies when they waste an unfertilized egg every month? are men butchery a baby when they flush the sperm? because it's the same thing. GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE BIBLE AND READ A BIOLOGY BOOK BECAUSE IT ISN'T A BABY! You can't articulate this untill you are in that position and making the most imporant choice of your life and the most important choice of another, so don't you dare sort out until you have been throught that.
Why is it so great? Um, it's super fun!! Nothing is better for spicing up a weekend like a painful and degrading medical procedure!

I support legal, secure abortions in limited capacity. Most especially victims of rape and incest. I also support abortions for mothers who know that carrying a pregnancy to term will result in death or disabilty. Frankly, I muse that many mothers are not capable of rearing children, and while I don't want mass abortions, I would love a means of halting the flood of drug-addled, poorly raise children in America. Adoption is not always an option, undesirably.

Debate on!
i think that noone should inform you wat to do....its ur life, its ur 'baby', so everyone else should worry about them selves....

if u hold the heart to do it, then great4u, but if not, good luck....

NOONE should be unfolding someone else how to live their lifes....
oh ya pro life all of the means of access baby ok some pro choicers are just so stupid ok i was chitchat to my friend pro choice and she was like so um if you are like within the womb for 9 months then you should be almost a year old when you ae born and i was similar to um but i though that you said that those dont count as lives and she was like oh... ugh pro choice people obtain on my nerves sometimes!! Murder is illegal you kill a baby in the past it is born... it still counts!! ok so just stop because life is a precious thing it be your fault you should have been measured and more prepared!!
What do you mean??

Nobody likes abortion!! Sometimes its just a necessity.....Don't arbiter people until youve walked a mile in their shoes . Don't force your beliefs onto other ethnic group , because that's wrong .

And if your so Pro-life , go adopt a kid or something . First save the children that are suffering globe cavernous , THEN you can think about the unborn
another question for pro choicers: people will argue that abortion should be aloud because it is your body, but at what point is it not solitary your body?

also, if a women can choose not to be a mother by getting an abortion, should the father have an option to not be the father?

im honestly just wondering your opinion
i think that people should NEVER have abortions, but i believe if a woman is raped, she should hold the right to an abortion. think of it this way- you're 12 and you get raped and get pregnant. hold the baby? i would, but some people wouldn't.
I work in ob/gyne and I have a feeling like most women take to easy path out and do look back. I myself have 4 children and feel any way its your body. Some people have more than 2 abortions they use it for birth control. I don't preach to them but I would not hold an abortion.
I consistency, if you dont want your baby then give it up for adoption. Give someone your mistake and they will dispense the baby a chance in existence unlike the person who might have wanted to attain rid of it
Well, way to pick a collide.

And it's not great. It's horribly depressing.

But it's the woman's choice.


Edit: Stay pure? Thats ALSO the woman's choice.

God. I hate when people do this.
It's not that I'm super pro-choice, for me, it's more a belief the government has no business running our lives. Source(s): declaration of nouns, constitution
abortion possibly minimize the number of population especially in a country or state wherein it is already over populated. moreover, no child can be already involve in such criminal cases or drug users which is quite already increasing.
I'm pro-choice, and I think anyone who is pro-choice will tell you-it's not that abortion is great, it's that having the choice is great.
By definition, anyone who is pro-choice will respect your verdict not to have an abortion. When I became sexually active I thought seriously something like the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy, and I've come to the conclusion that I probably wouldn't be able to have an abortion. I don't think it's something that I would know how to do emotionally, but I still believe in the right to choose.
I don't believe abortion should be used as a form of birth control, and I wouldn't advise someone to get one in need careful consideration. When it comes down to it, you can't make a general statement that abortion is definitely right, or wrong. You never know all the circumstances in someone's life, and why they might get the impression the need to have one.
Not everyone has the resources to support a child. So copious children in the US are growing up in terrible, offensive homes.
Also, while there are some wonderful foster parents, and orphanages-there are many children who have unpardonable experiences in these systems. Some potential mothers may not want to have a child, and then appendage them off to an institution where they may not be treated well.
There is unsurprisingly the argument that abortion is murder, and the debate of when consciousness first occurs. This is a religious or personal belief that can't really be proven or disproved. We'll probably never know how this part of creation works. I honestly believe it should be up to the woman (and man if he's involved) to decide what is best for the three of them. Regardless, it is unquestionably not something to be taken lightly.
hmm the planet is over crowded as it is so why not?
also, that is the most tired debate EVER.
get a life
HAHA draw from it??
I totally do NOT agree with it! If u have sex ur taking the accident of becoming pregnant! My aunt has had 2 abortions.learn to run birthcontrol! Those children were going to be my cousins! So not only have I intuitively lost something from her decision to do that my whole family have.
naw i dont like abortions. i think you are just massacre an innocent baby that was YOUR fault for producing it if you didnt want it.
Technically if the woman is only a few days/weeks pregnant the baby ha sno heart beat so its not alive. Also, a little one that young cannot feel pain or emotion because its organs (the brain) are not developed. The baby is basically a ball of tissue surrounded by that stage of development. Don't get me wrong, I dont take abortion delicately, but if you are a teen mother why would you want to bring your child into that. Even if you put the child up for adopition they may spend years of their lives in foster care. If they do find adoptive parents the child may have wild problems from the feeling of abandonment from its mother. No one wins any way. Ultimatley the mother (who has to give birth and transport the child!) needs to have the final say contained by what happens to her body and her baby's body.
First off, you're not pro-life. You have never be pro-life, you will never be pro-life. You are anti-choice, pure and simple. You are against a woman's right to her own bodily autonomy, and that's all it comes down to. Don't delude yourself.

The reason why a man's decision to want to verbs a pregnancy doesn't come into play is because he's not the one continuing the pregnancy! He's not the one who has to be a walking incubator for nine months. And it has nothing to do next to purity. People don't magically start wanting babies just because they get married (I never want any, ever), and being married doesn't automatically render citizens in a good part of their lives to elevate a child. In addition, no form of birth control is 100% effective, and even people who give somebody a lift good precautions frequently find themselves in sticky situations. Furthermore, most women who have abortions are already parents and don't surface that they can bring another child into their lives without causing undue hardship to their other children. And you know what? ONE-THIRD of adjectives women have had at least one abortion. Yes, that's right. 1 out of every 3. How you hold the audacity to think you know the story and situation behind every single woman seeking an abortion is beyond me.

And, on top of that, of late over 90% of all elective abortions are done within the first trimester. At that point, an embyro/fetus does not have a complex bashful system. It is not conscious or coherent. It lacks the anatomy to be so. So to say that one is "kill[ing] a poor innocent child" is nothing but a pathetic attempt at shaming women for have a completely safe and personal medical procedure that they have every right to do. It may be tired and overplayed, but it IS an issue of "our bodies, our choice". Besides, the world has too copious people anyway.
I'm more prochoice but prolife i could see.
I appreciate both sides i suppose.
I am prochoice because A: there are enough humans being made, don't cry over one newborn that no one got to know anyhow. B: There would be a higher extermination rate in teenagers and young woman either from attempting the abortion themselves or committing suicide from person prego. C: it really IS their body. D: Sure there's adoption but what if the kid kills themselves anyway? From being in a frightful home.
I am prolife: A: They shouldn't have gotten pregnant in the first place. B: if you you're 17+ and you were fooling around, jesus, you should know better and in a minute that you can have a job you can now provide for that child.

P.S. My best friend went through Bull when she went to the abortion place. There just happen to be a protest that day and she got called a ton of crude unneeded things. Protesting outside of a clinic is in recent times wrong. No matter what side you're on. Though i hope no one yells travel kill a baby outside the birthing place.....

Response to your "I like how everyone whose against abortion is born."
Fate is outside influence. I wasn't going to be born, (The doctors said it was impossible or mom would die) but here i am. Mom is alive. So That proves that.

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