Can you bring back aids from oral sex?

I recently was with this girl and she looked dirty but I didnt sleep beside her, I only let her blow me so if she has any stds am I at risk? it be bout 2 weeks ago and I havent noticed any signs yet but oh well
Yes. Also, it can take up to six months formerly you will get a positive result on an HIV test although you have contracted the virus. So don't sleep beside or allow any other randos to fellate you until you know you are STD-free.
Google is your friend.

"Yes, it is possible for either partner to become infected near HIV through performing or receiving oral sex. There have been a few cases of HIV nouns from performing oral sex on a person infected with HIV. While no one know exactly what the degree of risk is, evidence suggests that the risk is less than that of unprotected anal or vaginal sex." Source(s):…
If you didn't use a condom as you would expect you can. Body fluids are still being exchanged. Always use protection even if the person looks "clean" or "dirty".

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