Girls: tampon grill?

i'm 14 years old. i usually use slender regular cardboard tampax tampons. i was having trouble putting it contained by today so i grabbed a different one. this one was bigger. it was a regular plastic one. it go in easily. why did the bigger one go within easier than the small one? and why does my stomach always hurt when i have a tampon in? serious answers please. thank you.
Plastic is easier to insert than a cardboard applicator.
The plastic usually other goes in easier because it's smoother which helps within glide in... You should switch to the plastic applicators if you having trouble near the carboard ones... the only different is you can't flush plastic tampons down the toilet. I don't think your stomach hurt has to do near your tampon... maybe it hurts cause your on your period (ie.cramps). If your not on your extent, and your stomach hurts, you should have it checked out.

Another option you might want to consider is the birth control shot. You recieve this shot once every 3 months, and it literally takes your term away. I've been on it for a year or two... but you should talk to your mom about it formerly you actually do it.. just something to consider. ;)
Are you sure your tummy isn't hurting from cramps? And I find the plastic tampons too be easier consequently car board too. I like playtex sport they are the most easy.
Plastic applicators usually float in easier because they are smoother. The reason your stomach hurts may be because you're not inserting the tampon in far ample.
check below pictures and instructions - "How Insert Tampon" correctly Source(s):…
The plastic ones slide in easier :)
I've hear that tampons can cause cramps so maybe thats why your stomache is hurting..
cus its softer, adnd the other 1 is cardboard, and tampon arent good, they cause side effects, u should prob stick to something else

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