How do you put this surrounded by?

i just tried to put a tampon in for the first time, it went surrounded by the first time but i cant get it in anymore. i no this is really gross but i dont wanna have to tuning my pad every hour! i do it just like the instructions say-so but it wont. i hold it at an angle, start at the boittom and slide up but it will not go in and when i push too hard it starts to hurt!
Try putting it in straight, not at an angle. I can't ever put it in at an angle if not it's uncomfortable.
Maybe you should try a smaller size, that may help. Besides that put one foot up on the toilet or the circumference of the bathtub and then try to insert the tampon. Having one leg up like that give you a better angle.
You are not saying if you are using a tampon with or without applicator.
If you are using one close to O.B. try Playtex or some other brand that has applicators. You should not be able to feel the tampon when it's inserted the right means of access and it should naturally end up in the right position, but it does pinch a bit of practice.
Don't try to push it surrounded by really hard because it should just slide in. It is nature of gross, but don't wipe after you pee so that general area is wet possibly making it travel in smoother. Just try different angles, it takes some practice. Good Luck!
Well first you want to relax so your muscles don't tighten and make it hard, then try any putting it at another angle, or try straight in that's how it works for me. Good luck! hope i helped ya!
Try pushing it towards your back a little more. Women are shaped different and some need for a while more angle.
erm,well I cant say how to put a tampon on because one-sidedly I use pads but Try Tampax Pearl, my friend use's it and she said they go in really confident.
sometimes u just have to keep shifting the position u are in because it will change a little bit. if that doesnt give support to maybe u need to try a different brand of tampons that insert smoothly. good luck!
try to use a mirror and look where your putting it it helped me I know its kind of gross but you will bring the hang of it after
u might try standing up. this will open the alleyway way alittle more. and if tht doesnt work, buy a new brand. i loove the platex gentle slither. nothing else works for me, so u should try it!

Good Luck!
use a hammer or some kinda of mallet.

(of course....this is basically a guys opinion). lol

Just kidding. Just trying to ease the tention.. ;)

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