Big bowel movements, and throbbing.?

So within the past 3 months I have have 3 bloody bowel movements. At random times though. The first one was like bloody diarrhea and within was blood when I wiped and I had extreme discomfort before I went. The second was a short time ago a little blood in my bowel and hurt coming out and the third had blood on the poo and on the tissue and it solitary hurt when it first came out. Now its been about 2 weeks and I haven't have bloody bowel movements. But I've had really big bowel movements. And it only hurts for a second. It could hurt resembling at the very tip when it comes out. But sometimes its sort of in the middle of the bowel movement when its coming out. Like it pokes or its hard.

When I have the bloody bowel movements my butt was sore from wiping, so I used Preparation H about 2 times and my butt doesn't hurt anymore.

The course it felt I would say it was an anal fissure.

Does anyone else enjoy problems like this?
Is it healthy to have big bowel movements?
I imply I've had big ones for a while now, but ever since I had bloody poop.
There lately almost as big as bananas! I know this sounds funny but its true.
stop consumption so much u big fat fatty
Haha I use to have big poop. I just had some blood on my poop though. Not within diarrhea. I still have big poop but no more blood. I think yours might go away! It's probably a fissue.
you have large firm stools that irritate your internal hemmorhoids because you do not consume enough sea and fiber. the human body needs a minimum of two liters of water every day, and to keep hold of your bowels regular you need to eat adequate amounts of fiber. No, you plausible do not have an anal fissure, or you would be in constant pain, not of late when you move your bowels. Source(s): RN

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