Are you a doctor or nurse?? Please Help!!?

I went to the doctor with what I thought was a possible UTI. She asked symptoms and give me a scrip for Baxtrin for a bladder infection. She just called to say that my urine preview came back and it wasnt a bladder infection. What on earth could it be?

I am sexually stirring. I have only ever had sex next to my current boyfriend (for about 3/4 months) and I know for a fact that he hasn't been next to anyone and he said that he has never had any kind of STD. Neither one of us have ever had any type of sores on our mouth or anything. I don't think this is an STD because of that but I don't know what this could possibly be.

The only symptoms I enjoy are pain during sex, sometimes it burns when I pee and then my vagina is really sensitive like when I wipe after going to the restroom. There is no irregular odor or discharge. No impulsive, sores, blisters or anything. What could I possibly have??

It's uncomfortable and I am really confused as to what this could be... Please help if you enjoy any ideas at all.
My gut reaction is yeast infection, but I can't imagine why your doctor wouldn't hold tested you for that, as well as a UTI/ bladder infection, since they are just as common, but for more so. The test can be done right there in the doctors organization with results in minutes. I would suggest getting one of those self-diagnosis tests from the drug store to obtain an idea of what you might have, but the logical next step is to progress to the doctor with your results, and that hasn't helped you. Perhaps you should get a second evaluation at a different doctor.

Also, "he said that he has never had any kind of STD" does not mingy he has never had an STD. I do suggest you both get tested.
uh,, it could be a bad yeast infection tat keeps reoccuring, it does return with really itchy
sweetheart you have a yeast infection. Go to the drug store and buy some monistat. Use it and you should be ok a moment ago follow the instructions. Or u can call your female doc and ask her for a prescritpion called Diflucan. its an antifungal vaginal works great. Be lenient with time the yeast infection will clear up. Just be easy on yourself, im sure youll be fine i get this sort of point all the time

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