How do I speak about my mom that it's really influential that I see the doctor?

I had an abnormal pap like a year ago and so a few months following, I went in for a colposcopy and the woman suggested I "came into contact next to HPV".. I was supposed to go in 3 months after that to draw from one done again, but I moved in with my parents again in a different state. Well I am covered underneath my dad's insurance (air force) and my mom is supposed to pick a doctor closer to where we live (as opposed to 60 minutes away on the military base) and fill out adjectives this paperwork and stuff so that our medical expenses are covered. Well she is taking her sweet time about it despite me always bugging her about it. It's really really bothering me that I haven't be back and I really really need to go! But how do I make clear to my mom that she needs to hurry and choose? She doesn't know about all this and I don't want to notify her the truth because she'll look down on me and I love my mom.. I don't want her to think I'm a hussy.
You need to tell your mom what the issue is so she understand the urgency. Your mom is going to see insurance claims for lab work and tests, so you might as well be up front with her in the region of why you need to see the doctor asap. Remember that your mom was your age once, and getting HPV doesn't make you a hussy. Do the grown thing here.
Tell her the truth. Or conceivably you can fill the paperwork out your self and hitch a ride to the base with your dad or run a bus.Whatever you do do it quick because it's your body , your health , your life ! Your mom will respect you if you share her like that , Tell her that you would do it for her why can't she do this for you?
Well, better she thinks you are a hussy than you closing up with cervical cancer.

Just tell her and get checked. Source(s): RN
That's mama and it is good you respect her. Just the same she will find out sooner or after that. Be the woman you were when you contracted the HPV. Talk to her like the woman you are.
Don't sit her down. Just bring it up casually but in a serious tone. If you look nervy then she'll get nervous. You enjoy to tell her eventually bc ur life may be at risk.

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