When you own sex for the first time

Whats is it like and what does the man expect?

Answers:    Heya,
Everyones experience is different ( personally i havent have it yet) but the man should be greatful for everything hes getting off you, so you do what you feel comfortable contained by, your in control, the first time ive been told hurts a tiny bit and its a bit self-conscious and you may bleed a bit because of your hymen ( thin piece of skin covering vaginal entrance) is been broken. But after a few times it will start to discern more pleasurable, and you will enjoy it.
Please dont have sex if you have a feeling pressured only do it if you are sure your ready and you are free from adjectives the pressures, if you have any pressures please dont have sex. May i push for you to have a chat with your mom or trusted feminine relative before you sexual activity so you can be sure this is really what you want to do, and if your be pressured there is people you can settle to please dont resort to sex if your not ready.
If your ready be protected and use a condom and most of adjectives have fun.
Hope i helped
The man expects to hold an orgasm. Your first time is something that you will remember for the rest of your life. Make it special - True love waits- in a foolproof world- Loving eachother is the most important thing, and man emotionally ready is also. Sex is wonderful and special, but comes with consequences, close to pregnancy, addiction-it is addictive, if you have an addictive personality. you other remember your first, not the second, third, etc. Maybe you will only have one and specifically awesome! Just be ready, in love, sober, and formulate it special, because you will never forget your first love. Most guys want a girl that will be up for everything, I don't know if your man is like this but now days guys don't respect women anymore...

The first time i have sex was when i was 16, i fell into peer pressure... the girl be so eager to have it that be asking my buddies to convince me to have sex with her... I didn't know ANYTHING just about how to do it... it was a rather degrading situation(my tool didn't want to work) lol...

The second time was with my wife, immediately that was a pleasant event. After almost six months of being occupied, it just happened. no pressures or anything. She be a virgin and i considered myself one also, (after that bad experience) It will flow naturally, hopefully you are not next to an asshole that just wants to acquire in your pants, if you don't have a feeling comfortable DON'T DO IT. If the guy loves you, he will wait until you are ready. if he doesn't keep on he just wanted some ***.

Most guys in a minute days expect a lot about girls, this society is going to a ruin. Pardon my vocabulary but they want girls to grant head, do it doggy style and all sorts of other stuff... I'm a 21 y/o mannish and I've been called gay for my beliefs but trust me if he loves you truly, he will linger and it will come naturally, thus becoming a VERY pleasant moment instead of wasting your virginity with some asshole that will move off you for some "hotter" girl.
Everyone's experience is different. You cannot give a standard answer.

The man doesn't expect anything, he's just contented to be getting some.

Just be sure that you really want to do this and that no one is pressuring you.

Good luck, honey..
The mn is delighted ur have sex with him and thats all.

For you nerves a touch pain its never gona be the best sex its much better with some one ur really comfortable near u can both have a laugh something like it
the fun bit is doin it again and learning what u both like.
its different 4 everyone, but at the end of the day, its a bit awkward and a bit scary, it deff gets better will beside practise. the first time will never be great, if its with sum1 u love, thn its good contained by that sense, you feel close. men are simple creatures, they dnt really expect much.though you should ask him, if you cant thn maybe you shouldnt really sleep near him? only do it if you really want to, not just cos he does... If he know its your first time, he wont be expecting much.

If its the first time for both of you, it will probably be quite bad, but it does get hold of better the more you do it.

Try to relax, if you dont if will be a bit more painful.

Remember - safe sex!.
Forget roughly speaking the guy, he is happy whatever the outcome. Even better, focus on enjoy it. If he sees that you are, he'll feel resembling a stud. Appreciate your first time and make sure he's the right one for you =) it hurts really bad the first time, and the man might not be expecting that since it cause no pain for him, just pleasure. so be sure to permit him know that he needs to let you control it yourself. apt luck.
if its both your first time its gonna suck it is your not his hes gonna rock your socks kid and it will prob hurt but it will be worth it the 2nd time around I don't know but I would use a condom just in grip.

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