When is your term considered to be unpunctually?

Based on your regular cycle...how many days past that is to say considered late?

I am going to the doctor?

If you have a highly regular cycle, 3 days after the longest period of the last 12 months might be call late. If you have a medium-regular cycle, use 5 days after the longest time of year of the last 12 months.

Do not use home pregnancy test beforehand day 3 after the expected day. Better loaf to day 5 after it.

My length?

1 day surrounded by my opnion..

I am have my extent which is in a minute almost 14 days older. Why it is so?

I be watching porn and..?
Period q...?
How do you masturbate steps and every entry i am 14 going on 15 and i still don't know how are what it is?
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