What, Who, How Question For Ladies Only?

Next week I am supposed to go see a Doctor or a Nurse at the OB GYN. I've never been to a Gynecologist up to that time.

You better believe I'm scared as hell. I may not even show up next week to the appointment.

Can some of you report to me what all I should be expecting when getting a pap smear? Because I don't know what that is and my Mom doesn't do too much of conversation about anything sexual or about things contained by that nature to me. I don't know why, but she just doesn't really speak almost it. She actually encourages me to chitchat to other older ladies about this class of stuff. And my Grandma lives so far away, so I can't talk to her the way I want to.

*What is a pap smear?*
* What adjectives should I expect to happen? *
* Will it be better for me to have a pap smear just when I start getting sexually active or is it better to have it very soon? *

Just tell me everything you know about this. Your answers and help are very appreciated. Try to convince me to go to that appointment, because approaching I said, I may not show up. I hate pain. I don't resembling pain. And if I can avoid pain, I will. I'm other running away from pain.

And, no I'm not sexually active never hold been.

Thanks in finance. I will pick a best answer as usual.

Answers:    First of all, I would not consider 19 being a "baby". You're an fully developed and whether you like pain or not, you've get to face it like an full-grown.

Secondly, I can commiserate the stress and worry that happens back your first gyno visit, I remember being relatively st uncomfortable. I suggest taking an ibuprofen an hour or so ahead of time, just contained by case, since it sounds like you are sensitive to agony.

First of all, yes, it is important that you start getting a gynecological exam. Nineteen is a perfect age to get your first one, whether you're sexually active or not. If you verbs to not be sexually active, I would say that you could probably take away with only going every two years, instead of every year, but that's only just my personal opinion, it is recommended by all vigour care professionals to get a once a year gynecological exam, whether sexually active or not.

I'm going to run you through a basic gynecological check-up. First the nurse will ask you some undeveloped questions about any drug use, prescriptions, any strange symptoms, whether you're sexually active or not, etc. Then she will leave the room, asking you to undress completely and put on a robe. The doctor will next enter and probably will start with some of the same question before doing a breast exam. A breast exam will consist of her simply feeling your breasts weakly for any unusual lumps or anything like that. She will then ask you to put your foot in the stirrups of the table. This will make it so that you are on your final and spreadeagled, with your legs up, so that he/she can get a direct attitude of your outer genitals, or your vulva. She will likely spread your outer labia to get a better display and feel inside your vagina with her fingers briefly. Again, this is to check for adjectives cysts or things like that.

Then comes the pap smear. A pap smear checks for irregular cells on the cervix. These cell are important to detect because it is the first symptom of something like HPV or cervical cancer, which is something adjectives women, virgins or not, are susceptible to. Being that the cervix is located at the back of the vagina, some special equipment is employed. A speculum is a device that is metal and looks big-hearted of like a duck's bill, or two shoe horns. It really looks more intimidating than it is. The device will be inserted into your vagina, and then the two parts of it will be spread so that the doctor can return with a clear view or your cervix. In short this speculum will open up your vagina merely enough for your doctor to peek to the exceedingly back of it. Then the doctor will take something similar to a swab (feels more scratchy than a regular swab, though) and rake over the cell sample from your cervix. This whole piece should really only take almost two minutes, tops. Remember that if you are tense during this, your muscles will be as well, making the speculum much more self-conscious. I suggest trying not to think about what is going on and concentrating on breathing for the entire time.

For very few girls this is actually aching, it should be at worst uncomfortable. Hope your first experience isn't too awful :)

EDIT: Kellynipps answer about mortal 21 before getting a pap smear is incorrect. You should start regularly going to a gynecologist when you turn 18 or when you first become sexually active, whichever comes first.

"How habitually should I have a Pap smear?
You should have your first Pap smear when you start have sex or by age 18."

Actually, as I'm looking, I'm finding lots of reliable sources giving mixed answers about whether 18 or 21 is the right age for a first pap smear..
u dont need to verbs a pap smear does not hurt at all u will feel a touch uncomfortable and there is no after effect and u should turn getting a pap smear is very important. I'm not going to fib to you. It's going to be embarrassing and uncomfortable, but it will NOT be aching. You really need to go to this appointment. It doesn't business if you're sexually active. You should be seeing the doctor every year that you have a extent.
A pap smear is a very simple test. They capture a sample from inside your vagina. They can detect so many things from this experiment. It is very important.
They will enjoy you go in the room and bequeath you a paper sheet to cover up with. You give somebody a lift off your bottoms and panties and sit on the table with the serious newspaper sheet over your lap. The doctor comes in the room and parley to you about your periods and whether or not you are sexually helpful, etc. Then you put your feet on these foot rest things (stirrups) and they do the pap smear. The doctor may check your breasts for lumps.
It's over pretty quick. Don't put it sour, just get it over next to. You only have to stir once a year..
Don't worry! Although the gynecologist will do some things that can be uncomfortable sentiment, nothing he does will be painful. For a pap smear, the stir inside you and scrape a little example from your cervix. You'll be able to feel something occurring, but it doesn't hurt at all - it just feel kind of weird.

You probably don't really have need of one now. They're usually only recommended for race over 21, unless you're sexually active. Discuss it with your doctor, and he might agree that it's ok to dawdle until you're older, and have more experience going to the gyno.

Whatever else, don't be afraid to reach a deal with the doctor - ask questions in the region of what is being done, what different instruments are for and so on. You don't have anything to be restless about - believe me, he or she has hear it all, and will appreciate that you are concerned about your own safety. :).
Not to worry, it's not painful. Uncomfortable, yes! Awkward yes! I deduce that you are not sexually active (good for you by the way) but it is recommended that you start pap smears when you become sexually active or are 18 years of age or elder.

I have a really good friend whose daughter is 19 and she is close to you; not sexually active and has in recent times had her first OB/GYN appointment. I aksed her what she thought b/c she was extremely jumpy (her mom went w/ her in the room at her request to her mom). She said is be not bad but mostly awkward.

Remember, since being a kid, we've other been told those are private parts and should be kept that way (LOL) so I conjecture that's what makes it awkward as well. Don't nullify your appt., you really need to have that done!

Good Luck! .
Actually, you should drop by your gyno once you start to be sexually active, and you should have regualr visit after that. And if you choose not to be sexually active til a later age, i would enunciate once your 18 you should see the gyno. It's one of those things, that once you become aware of your health, it's a necessity. I become sexually active at a very babyish age, and have been visit my gyno every 6-12 months just to make sure things are ok!

The pap smear is basically a little test be they take a long q-tip to get a speciman of your cervical mucus to interview. Back when i first started getting those, it was like a terrifically small car jack looking thing almost! haha be they had to open it up to keep hold of your vagina open, but now it consists of a terrifically small plastic tube they insert. and in the snap of a finger, its done.

the only article i find akward is the whole opening my legs up to a total stranger. and improbably enough.all the woman doctors i have had be like snooty and i dunno, not cool. i went to this guy docotr and possibly because he went out of his way to be soothing and encouraging, but he was really cool, and i was comfortable near him.

good luck on your visit!

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