What is wrong beside me

For about 3 months my stomach has be hurting a lot. It is near my belly button, but over to the right a touch. It hurts more after i eat. i dont really eat alot of unwanted items food. Some days i want to throw up. I cant lay on my right side without felling resembling i am going to throw up. It's not my period because this is everyday that my stomach hurts. Some days it hurts in my lower tummy,
I have never had sex and i am 15.
So please narrate what this could be
Should i see a doctor.

Answers:    Yes, see your doctor! It could be a cyst, or your you appendix may be inflamed!! .
Well it cannot be your pancreas since that is on your left side and below your rib coop. I thought maybe gall bladder but to be exact behind your ribs on the right side. Not sure where your strain is located. If it is your lower adbominal area to the right it could be appendicitis. If it is in your upper adbominal nouns it could be your gall bladder but either channel it seems you really need to see a doctor becuase it could be serious. its your nerve bladder you need it removed go to the doctor.
nothings wrong, merely need to get laid :D yes you should see a damn doctor and it may be ur pancres

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