Vaginal laceration, abrasion, and bleeding after consensual sex? Please be civil.?

My girlfriend was experiencing pain ("stinging") during sex and postcoital bleeding for the second coupe of months. Finally I convinced her to make an appointment with her doctor. On the guidance of her obgyn, we took three weeks off to allow time to heal doesn`t matter what was wrong (the doctor didn't find anything after multiple examinations and sonograms). The three weeks are up and after sex, though she no longer bleeds, she is still in twinge. We inspected the area and found that she has a small laceration (3-6mm) and what appears to be mutilation tissue or recently healed tissue from an abrasion (5-8mm) within the area between her labia menora and the opening of the vagina on the right side between the 8 and 10 o'clock position. I'm trying to convince her to confer to her obgyn again, but she won't. Instead we're taking another three week moratorium on sex.

What caused these injuries? How long will they take to treat? How can we prevent them in the future and still delight in a healthy sex life?

We use lube.

I'm individual 21 and my boobs are already wilting - assist !?!?!?!?!?!?

You're right to be concerned, and you give the impression of being to be genuine in your concern for her versus your sex enthusiasm. It might help if you suggest to her that she speak with a different Ob-gyn. The same doctor is credible (more often than not) to tell her impossible to tell apart thing. Finding another doctor and providing the information & concern you've imparted, as well as a release of these extraordinary medical records might allow the next doctor to approach the issue from a different angle.
There are moderately a few websites that allow you to view ratings for doctors in your nouns, in any given cross-section of medicine.
*FYI to previous posters: You really don't want to use an rub in an area close to this. Think about it "for external use only" - if any "ointments" were designed to be used internally, chances are they are quite specific contained by their function. I personally am not aware of any "multi-purpose" ointments out on the bazaar.
**FYI 2 to previous posters: He can't exactly speak with her doctor, unless she has signed a release. Please refer to HIPAA and adjectives related HR privacy and confidentiality acts...

And then THINK beforehand you post.

I am childlike next to a removal of sex drive...comfort!?

You were very detailed surrounded by your question. You need to copy this examine and take it to her doctor and seek his proposal. You really need not to come on here and ask such a thing. No one on here can furnish you the proper medical advice. You will take a arbitrariness at hurting her more if you do. Your concern for her is to be admired. Take your concerns to her doctor.

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Did the doctor test for STDs? I hope this isnt the case, but perchance this is a symptom of some sort of bacterial or viral infection. Maybe her labia is just dry and cracking. My doc told me that can happen contained by the winter, and told me to use the Dove soap for sensitive skin to reduce dryness. Whatever the cause, your girlfriend really shoud budge back to her doctor.

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listen. she needs to lift a break. if she continues to have sex, it will only irritate the wound and will never allow it to alleviate. shes making it worse. tell her to go a month at lowest without sex to let the laceration fully alleviate. she can use ointments to help it along.

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run action for her, if you really care telephone call her doctor and make her go, i will if truth be told suggest a second opinion, like run to a diff gyn, if you guys are in tx go to sw obgyn thats a huge practice and own the best obgyns..

I don't own the applicator can I a short time ago squeeze it contained by?

that does not seem normal, you involve to stop pounding it so hard. make sure you use a ton of lube.

Pain during sex, not a virgin.?

This is a sheer question to answer. An obgyn should easily spot these abrasion and lacerations and should be able to diagnose them. Since you are using adequate lubrication, it appears not to be a consequence of dryness or narrowness. From your question I deduce that you transport your time and are a gentle lover.

Again, it is delicate to inquire within such cases. From my remote point of view only non-consensual sex (or sexual practices within general) comes to mind. Are you sure that your girlfriend is not molested or abused or has been so within the past? Maybe she does not dare to talk in the order of it? If she really has been to an obgyn, the doctor would enjoy noticed any abnormal physical conditions.

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Sometimes the shape of the man's penis can make happen friction on the woman's vagina if there's a slight arch to one side. If you're really going at it (I hope with a condom!), the condom can cause abrasion on the skin. However, the only way to catch the correct answer is for her to visit her obgyn again. This time she may want to go within before the abrasions hold healed so the doctor can take a look at the injuries. Try to have a handle on where she's coming from. While men are very over-eager when it comes to their sex lives, a woman having to go to a doctor who pries around her genital nouns is a very uncomfortable situation. Be concerned more or less her health more than your sex life. A little sensitivity will stir a long way in convincing her to aim medical attention. Good luck!

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it could be that g/f is dry while having sex. i know i was when i be having the same problem. the instrument i sorted it out was i gave my ex husband babe oil and let him use his fingers within me. rubbing the baby oil surrounded by and all around my vagina before he used his penis. i found this really help as it was a lot easier to enjoy sex and as the time went on the pain ease up anyway and eventually we didnt need to use the oil any more. hope this help. and good luck

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