UTI.. Help Please?
*oh and I am 30 weeks pregnant if that makes a difference contained by what you think because I know these things can all basically be normal pregnancy symptoms.*
Answers: If you are wanting to know if you have a uti up to that time you go to the doctor, they do sell over the counter at home exam at your local drug store- like cvs or walgreens. They are by all the womens requirements products. It may just be due to your pregnancy though. The test you do at home would answer adjectives your questions and maybe your doctor could in recent times call you in some medication so you can start treating it now instead of waiting for your appointment. The test is greatly like a pregancy test. You basically urinate on it and it gives you the results. Im not sure with you human being pregnant if they use the same medicine, but they tender a pill to take that makes your urine ginger! Kinda wierd but it makes you all better. Cranberry liquid does help and if you do not like cranberry liquid, then they do sell cranberry pills(if this is ok to hold while pregnant). You can find them by the vitamins. UTI's can be painfull if left untreated for too long. Hope this helps you and moral luck with the rest of your pregnancy. .
To check if you have a UTI they pilfer a urine sample and test for antibodies. Then they contribute you anitbiotics. In the mean time before you see the doctor, chug lots of cranberry liquid. It should help with the burning. I wouldn't hang around until your appt this week. Go ahead and call them today. It could be several things. Some infections that go for too long can put you on bed rest, or brand you go into pre term labor. Better to be undamaging than sorry.