The material concordat near birth control?

In school children learn going on for STD's (good), various birth control methods (including condoms, pull out and hopefully thriftiness, and the pill). Drug stores sell condoms, and the doctor sells shots that save your peroid away for three months. Still with all this we own a very notable rate of teen pregnancy. Shouldn't we clutch that information and stop selling sex with every thing? Is it any wonder that teens are have sex when sex is glamorized? Sex is for inside a marriage-and doesn't belong anywhere else! How can we convence our unwed population that not having any sex until marriage is the with the sole purpose way to not get pregnant or carry an STD?

Answers:    pre-marital sex isn't new, my mom was pregnant beside my brother as a teen in the 70's and my aunt had my cousin babyish and it was the 50's (very, very TABOO then). the reality is there will always be pre-marital sex, other. it's about educating them to make smart decision.

and even if a huge campaign was launch, the media will never let it take place because sex sells. if you need proof check out the tv show informer girl! .
Well .. just because you are a teenager, or unmarried doesn't mingy you will definitely become pregnant and get an STD because you have sex. The teenagers who are having sex and getting diseases probably aren't taking any precautions. I understand where on earth parents and concerned adults are coming from when they are promoting abstinence but if they are only giving the teen information on self-denial and the teen decides to not take that road, in a minute they don't have any source of information on condoms, birth control, STD's, exc. So by providing this information now, while also condoning the no sex view, you have taught the teen that they shouldn't be have sex, but if they don't listen, they need to take precautions since doing so. Aw, look at the puritanical zealot!

How nice you'd like to force your values down the throat of everyone in a free country. The young pregnancy rate has more to do with the Bush admin's insistance on Abstinence singular education and the religious right's railing against contraception than your cute notion of glamorized sex. Check the stats, pilgrim, the teen pregnancy rate has be on the climb since Mr. Compassionate Conservatism took office. People have sex. Deal next to it..
Faulty logic, even after marriage you can get an STD or return with pregnant...

Youth need to be taught better, that they should hang around until they find the right one before having sex, and that their body should be valued more, instead of giving it up because of the status quo or because they grain pressured into it.

The problem is with what we teach our children, by our schedule and our words.

I am a teen. We are not being taught any of this surrounded by school. So everyone just think its something you are obligated to do. Whoever has sex feels more become fully grown than everyone else. However, when they think they're mature and adjectives - those people get labeled as 'whores' and 'hoes' and "an graceful one". Condoms, Pull Out, and the pill all seem similar to if you use them there is no chance of pregnancy. People within my grade are taking advantage of that. Well, to answer your interrogate - there is no one to convince us. We'll other think we know the real entity when we don't. It's just teen stuff. Teens will be teens, and they will have sex - believe it or not - not lone because of their curiosity, but also to spite people like you.

You a short time ago have to hope that you've reaised your kids to be smart, responsible, and to resist temptation to enjoy unprotected sex..
I wish I knew the answer.

But I'm 14 and I find masturbation fine-- sex, not okay.

I am unquestionably saving myself for marriage. I've be brought up well.

Sadly, the rest of kids my age haven't quite thought things through that much.
There is no possible passageway to convince the world to not have sex until they're married. The world overall doesn't think sex is designed to be saved for marriage. Sorry, but it's true.

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