Tampoon sustain?
Is within something wrong wtih my nipple?
put a finger in. you will know immediately. it really can't turn very far, the vagina is not a cavern. perceive around with your finger completely, find your cervix and feel around that, if you don't quality anything, then it isn't there.Can you receive pregnant while on your spell.?
you're gonna hold to just stick a finger up there.but do it soon, because you could grasp tss from a tampon being up there too long.
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ask your boyfriend to check or stick your finger up and see if you crowd anything..if you don't put one in or use a pad
see a doc ..
Problem near armpits...women's request for information solely PLEASE ANSWER?
stick your finger up and see. If you devise thats gross then put some rubber gloves on and check. or just ask your boyfriend.it's tampon not tampoon
I mull over the best way to find out is to go to your doctor.
hun, i'm sorry to vote this, but ur gonna have to go surrounded by there and figure out for urself!! best of luck!
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OMFG! hun it didnt jump too far.Is this typical?
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Stained myself again!?