Sudden extreme vaginal wetness surrounded by the morning
So I woke up this morning and went about my morning routine and afterwards all of a sudden I was extremely drizzling. To the point where it was almost close to I wet myself and I had to be in motion into the bathroom to clean off. It be a clear very watery gooey.
I asked my sister what it was and she said possibly ovulation, however, my period is surrounded by 6 days so it can't be that.
Does anyone know what this might be because of? I've never had this happen since.
Answers: sounds like its a heavy discharge...
discharge is usually a clear/white substance
its conventional.
Cycle's always change, your time could of come early, this happens to me pretty often, it comes a week or so early or tardy.
Or you could of had a male equilavent of a 'wet dream', did you get the impression 'aroused' late night at adjectives? .
i think its called your nontoxic period when your not on your period its not detrimental to have sex
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