Should I capture an abortion at Planned Parenthood?

I am 13 and I found out I was pregnant about a month ago. I go to Planned Parenthood and they were super nice there. I asked if my age would be a problem and they said that it be fine and they just won't mention age age on my records.

They talk to me about the pregnancy and explained how much diapers, bottles, formula, and all that stuff costs. They also talk to me about my education and how I should finish glorious school so I can get a devout job. A baby could hurt my likelihood at graduating.

Anyways, so should I call them and trade name an appointment to get the abortion done?

You can't ask strangers to answer this question for you, hun. Go fund to planned parenthood to get some counseling, or a referal for some. They will give a hand you decide what is best for you. Obviously you feel close to you can talk to a parent, but that is probably best, although I know specifically so very hard. Talk to a counselor first, and trade name sure you know the consequences of an abotion before you make that edict. It is ultimately your choice. Once you do make up your mind you can not go rear legs on your decision so think valid hard think in the region of pro-s and con-s. I had my 1st child at 16 and my 2nd at 18. I graduated HS (pregnant next to my 2nd child) and went off to college I get my BA and am now a Nurse with a 7yr and 5 yrs out-of-date. I must admit It was no assured and at times seemed impossible but with alot of serve and support from my family and fiancee I would have never done it..
no please dont gain an abortion. But youre to young to take fastidiousness of a baby my aunt had this exact problem she told me she did the best point she possibly could have. have the kid and then put him/her up for adoption but be sure to keep surrounded by touch and have updates on the baby monthly. please do the right entry. but what ever you decide to do will you please let me know on your judgment? If you're not ready, you can terminate, or hold the baby and put it up for adoption. Once you have it, they are easier said than done to let go. Then, they repeatedly want to se you later in time, and you will wonder until then what ever happened to them. That's why it's your choice..
At 13. obtain an abortion! If you don't... please give it up for adoption. Adoption is probably the better choice, because you will probably be only out of the academy game for 9 months.. and you will make a couple of general public wanting a baby very unbelievably happy! DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT ABORTION! It is SOOOO wrong!! Don't be so selfish, place your newborn up for adoption. My sister gave her baby up for adoption, and it be the best thing she has ever done.
dont obtain an abortion thats wrong i understand ur really young but u cant punish the babe 4 it! Be more careful and adoption is the way to jump NEVER abortion!! NNOOOOOOOOOO!! ABORTION IS WRONG! YOU SHOULD HAVE NEVER MADE SUCH A STUPID MISKAKE AND YOU NEED TO DEAL WITH IT THE HARD WAY!.
dont take a babies life own the kid and give it up for adoption \
ABORTION IS WRONG and i am with Gymnast yes !! you are too youthful, the kid will destroy your life.
and subsequent time be careful !.
It is a good belief to get an abortion.
People who tell you not to bring one have obviously never raise a kid, and most likely were raise with hardly any responsibilities themselves.
Hopefully this will be a righteous wake up call for you and you can reflect on of going on birth can get that at planned parenthood for free as okay I believe.
Good luck and thank you for thinking wisely!
ps: don't listen to the people who natter about "someone who wants a toddler but can't have one"...many times race have implants in a minute AND many MANY babies and children go unadopted for their entire lives, going from foster home to foster home etc. (and frequent of those homes are abusive).
Also, having the baby will afford you an unbreakable bond with it and will crack you apart if you give it away. It will also really hurt the child's chance at nouns..
This is a decision all of your own. Many ethnic group are going to post replies to this question telling you one course of the other about what you should do. In the end, you call for to decide for yourself what you want. Go with your gut edict and do not listen to those who are telling you that you are commiting a "sin" or doing something terrible. They are not within your position and have no right to affect your decision. And Good for you for getting a planned maternity and taking this situation by the reigns!

I am 5 months pregnant now and I also struggled with this declaration. I kept my baby, but I am also 18 years old and am competent to stand on my own two feet. I am also out of high institution. If you need anymore assistance on this subject feel free to contact me..
It adjectives depends on you. On your life situation. And in the winding up it will only touch you if you go next to it. There are a lot of things that are not necessairly easy to naked after you have an abortion. Your body has a connotation to get ready to grow a tot and your hormons are working and it could be some menthal consequences. Either way your life it will never be the same again. Too bad you started sex vivacity that early and got busted for it. I individually would not do it,but I am 32 , I have never been pregnant 13 yo and never have to decide. I also have a child and even I was not a girl that dreamt whole enthusiasm about having babies, and belive me I be far from that, and I got pregnant at 29 and this is the best thing that ever happen to me. I would be affraid to abort too.
But once again, you are 13 yo , can you rise a baby? Can your mom or grand ma support you within doing so? There are a lot of questions you own to ask yourself. What about your parents? They sure will be mad to find out but if they love you they will be nearby for you.
I also think if you remove one it might become a rutine for you , lets utter you have it removed it goes smooth, no withdrowal, no consequences, no morals, and consequently you think it is the way to run.
I wish you make a right decree for yourself and get help from race who care, here we all can grant advice but we are all strangers;)
Goood Luck!.
look hun.
im 13 too.
relay you'r parents about this.
this is a huuuge decision to get on you'r own.
if you were a but older it could be possible to hold the baby and have assistance raising it.
but this is really young and seriously is at stake.
you could make a decision and enjoy it haunt you forever!
talk to someone bring back support!
i,personally,would never condider abortion.and might opt for adoption.
or have back from relatives so as not to ruin my life.
but that is simply me.
i don't think it's right for people on here to push what they believe on you at this awful time!
what is wrong near you!
the last thing she wants is people telling her she''s wrong at every turn!
this is her,not you.
don't generate a decision based on irregular people from
i really want to help.
walk to your parents and make an educated judgment.
no doubt,this is an awful position to be in!
but making a apposite deciosion with caring,supportive populace around you...

could make all the difference..for you.and for your child.

please talk to your parents.
be healthy and try and dispense this a lot of thought.
my prayers are with you.

god bless.

Um until that time I tell you what to do I have to bark at you first.
Ok now time to help you out.
I don't suggest you should have an abortion because that'll mean your massacre someone whos about to be born.
Also you'll be very said.
I assume the best thing to do is to bring the baby to full occupancy and then give it up for adoption.
So someone who requirements a baby can have yours and you'll be capable of visit but it won't be yours anymore.
NO please don't abort your fetus it is living and breathing just resembling you and you wouldn't want to have that happen to you would you?
But at your age you don't see masses people walking around with baby's.
So i regard as the best thing might be to tell your mum surrounded by a positive way and tell her not to take angry we will go through this together one step at a time.
If you are not ready to support your toddler and care for it 24/7 then i suggest adopt parents for your fetus. It would be really lovely to have a baby but at your age it prob wont be effect you have all you university work and things like that. So just discuss to your mother and ask her what she thinks is the best thing to do. But what ever she say you don't have to do because it is your own baby and remember it is living and breathing too a moment ago like you! :) hope i helped

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