Should I report my mom I've have my time for close to 2 years?

She doesn't know and I don't feel like recitation her... I'm almost 16. I don't really LIKE her.

Yall hold to assistance me beside this?

Wow. I knew the minute my daughter started hers. And every single month since then. But hey, if she is not asking later there is no sense in rocking the boat in a minute.

Why the mensterual spell changeover suddenly?

I didn't tell my mom for a long time either. I be just extremely private when I was a immature girl -- and I was only 11, so I be still very shy and embarassed about these things. If your mom is anything resembling my mom, she might be hurt that you never told her. But, she also probably expects that you've had it already, so maybe clich?? "mom, I had my period" isn't the way to dance. Perhaps you could just "throw her a bone" and ask her to buy you pads or tampons subsequent time she goes to the store, just to unequivocal up the communication about it and make her consistency like she's important to you. These things are a big treaty to a lot of mothers.

I am 12 and a partly and I deliberate I started my extent?

If it's been 2 years, more than imagined she may already know. Moms are observant. If she's noticing things in the trash, that you're developing, that you're moody every month. You could convey her just for the sake of telling her, but if you don't similar to her (which is common with teens) consequently why bother.

Why does it hurt?

you should tell her ...its not a matter of attachment her or not...its a matter of better mother-daughter relationship..your mother will always be nearby in whatever even when you article everyone has abandoned you, she will other help you even if t doesnt tell her although as a mother she conspicuously knows..

Okay for bra size?

If you are 16, personally, I focus your mom is smart enough to figure out that you get your period. (The pads contained by the garbage) and stuff.

Does anyone know the symptoms of ruptured ovarian cyst?

Tell her! Stop being a childish brat.
She probably already knows though and is waiting for you to read aloud something.
Mothers tend to know these things.

What can be done to decrese the stomach strain during period!?

I didnt tell my mom for about 2 years. But once you explain to her it may help your relationship. How do you buy tampons and pads?

Two period contained by one month? o.o?

if u want 2

I bring back a thorny lump below when I return with my extent. What is this?

it's not a situation of liking her or not..she probably knows or expects that u already started ur period but it would be better to tell her although I have no clue why! :]

Can you win preg. a sunshine after you stop your spell?

Who buys you the pad and the tampons then? if ur mom doesnt know?? and she see them?

Sex of late isnt angelic.?

She already knows

Are they suppose to be pointy?


What happen when you filch 4 birth controls pills surrounded by soon?

i'm sure she already know

Birth Control...HELP!?!?

She prolly already know's. but it's really up to u

My Period Q?

i think u should but i think she would know or suspect it cuz ur 16...

I merely graduate nursing university and am preparing to appropriate my boards but am have difficulity staying awake?

Who else is on their interval today?
Mirena...Should I ask my doctor almost taking it?
Question for ladies singular please...?
  • Worst Experience With Your Period!?
  • How oodles weeks should u b 4r ur pregnancy hormone to 2 up becuz im suppose 2b 9 weeks and my hpts are unenthusiastic

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