Really discouraging at a childish age???

I am 16 years old and have have backpain for a long time. I am overweight at 230lbs but went to doc and siaid that weight wasnt cause this. I went to a cyropactor and took x-rays to see if somthing was wrong. And this is what I own.

Curved spinne which was caused from an injury suposvily
One leg shorter than the other
Rotated and turned hip
Curved out foot cause from hip out of wack.
a little bit of Aurtaritise in hip
and bedwetting cause from the spine

Is that bad or what?
How long do you think it will help yourself to for a cyropractic to fix this?

Answers:    its going to take at least a year. my pay for doesn't have half as several problems as this and i've been going for the last year but am still not "fixed" I've come to vocabulary with the fact that I will stipulation to see a chiropractor for the rest of my life. It sounds like you might inevitability to too. .
Only you can define if it's bad or not... If it cause you lots of problems, its bad. If it doesn't, its not so bad.

Most of those problems can be resolved.. but it does steal time.

Just stick it out! =)

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