Pain surrounded by side extent related?

Its 2 weeks after my last period and I enjoy a REALLY sharp pain in my side essential my ovaries(?). I ask my mom and she said something about oviating? or something... She said she has to lug yaz for when "im not even getting lucky"...(eeww) what do you think it is?
p.s. Im 14 and have my interval since I was 11. and Ive NEVER had this b4
What is ovulating?
OK dally what is a cyst? Because I pretty sure my mom has had that severael times when she be my age.. IS IT GENETIC?

Answers:    Ovulating is the ovary releasing an egg. You can feel it sometimes. It could be a cyst which is a growth. If so, you may need to move about to the OB/Gyn. I've known girls your age who have them. Best bet- cooperate to your mom and have her make you a Drs appointment.

Also, it could be gas.
I hold that same problem and I have had my spell for 6 years, Yes you are ovulating. Ovulation is when you ovary releases an egg. (this has to happen contained by order to get pregnant) Ovarian cysts, are little sack that form on you ovaries when you ovulating they are very common and not a problem the eventually in recent times go away. I don't know if they are genetic, I don't think so though.

I enjoy been on Yaz for 2 years and It has help a lot, it also helps regulate your period and give you shorter periods (which is other awesome!) also birth control tricks your body into thinking your pregnant every month so you wont ovulate, so you won't have that pain. i would recommend getting on Yaz. it will help yourself to care of all your problems, plus it dose not trademark you sick like other birth controls pills can. .
Ovulating is when your ovary gets an egg organized to drop into your uterus. A cyst is something that happens to some women after ovulation. Its like a big blister and can hurt.

Birth control can back decrease ovarian cysts and make the headache better. No clue if its genetic, but most women do have cysts and they don't often motive problems.

If the pain keeps taking place and gets severe enough to engineer you cry then you need to ask your mom to bear you to a doctor so they can make sure that's what's happening..
Every woman have cysts when they're ovulating (when eggs are released from the ovaries so you can get pregnant).
I recently have to go the hospital for sharp pains in my ovaries.
Turned out to be cysts.

Also, if it's on your right ovary, find checked for appendicitis.

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