Older girls oblige?

Im 13 and im going to be 14 in January and ive been getting discharge a bit more and cramps that i cant stay sitting down in class. I never got my time yet and i cant talk to my mom exact shell make a big deal out of it...Is my term coming soon or am i just getting my self all hyped up for nought?

Like what did you notice before you get it just so i have an model


No term for almost three months, but not pregnant?

yea you're going to get your period soon here's a short time bit of advice carry verbs underwear and a pad on you at all times rather and pants/shorts in your backpack. lol yea i started the 1st time at school within khaki pants i was 12 it sucked explaining to the secretary (no nurse on campus that day) that i needed to ring my mom to bring me jeans because i started my period and it was super unhealthy

Feeling exceedingly down :( ..Miscarriage?

I had no clue I was going to obtain mine..I was 13 though and felt a really fruitless stomach ache I went to the bathroom and notice bleeding. Dont worry it is totally normal and you shouldnt be afraid to relay your mom when it comes. You should be expecting your period to come soon as you are being to enter puberty and your body will be undergo changes...

I want to increase my breasts and hips size.What can i do for that?

I can't remember how I felt when I first get mine, but I can say that cramping is a normal symptom of have your period. It might mean that you will be getting it soon. You should reach a deal to your mom about it, even if she does make a big buy and sell. She can give you some guidance.

To ask a ques?

well im34 an i articulate you will start in the next 2 to 3 months exspesially if you are moody but sometimes some girls dont procure moody untill they get older but yes thats probably what it is dont verbs it will be okay

Why are some women ashamed of their period ?

Darl I dont remember getting any of these symptoms. You should seriously tell mom because it may well be something that requirements looking at. Better safe than sorry. More than likely nothin serious hun but do see a doc for a check up.

Is it possible to catch your length twice surrounded by a month?

i am almost 13 and i have it already before i got my spell i had discharges so it is coming real soon so be prepare for it girl


Period question?
I know this is going to nouns stupid but... (preferably girls)?
How long does it bring to bring your term after giving birth?
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  • Is is ok to hold no symtems during your spell?

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