My wife is 1 hours of daylight over her due date. Is she have a "show"?

My wife was due to give birth yesterday. Today she is have period-like pains in her abdomen. She have also had a gradual discharge from her vagina during the day today, resembling a light-brown liquid. She's sure it's not blood. What is this? Is it a "show" where the mucus unblocks from the cervical hole? Does this happen moments or days before waters break?

The asnwer to this ask may decide whether or not I go out tonight...

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If she have had liquidy discharge all afternoon then her waters may well be leak - the "show" when the mucus plug dislodges from the cervix causes a thick mucousy discharge, not a gossamer watery one. In response to when this happens, it tend to occur a couple of days before birth if truth be told happens, but this is very adjustable.

I would advise that you don't go out tonight, or if you do net sure you don't drink and you are easily contactable and can get home efficiently. The period like pains your wife have been having today and the discharge (which sounds more approaching her waters are leaking) means that she is likely to dance into labour relatively soon - probably within the subsequent 24 hours anyway.

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Well, I really don't think it would be a good model for you to go out tonight and leave your wife alone. She is really close to her due date so labor can crop up at any time. You helped to create this little life and very soon is when she really needs your help and support. A bloody show isn't usually bright red because the mucus plug isn't fresh blood so it sounds similar to she is getting ready for labor. The cramps are most likely impulsive labor pains. Congrats on the baby.

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You shouldn't be going out anyway - stay home with your wife!

I don't know anything something like Labour Symptoms, however the link below should help!

Peace hon and thieve care of your wife.


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Obviously she could start going into labor anytime. Period like pains are probably mild contractions. Why would you even consider going out? She picked a material winner...

Yeah, right. You would have said "we shift out tonight".

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don't go anywhere i was 4 days over due and my boyfriend go out for the night...i went into graft that night...its not worth the hurt you could cause her and if god forbid anything is wrong your gonna touch like crap!!

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DONT GO OUT TONIGHT.. if she wipes and within is bloodish looking stuff she might want to call the doctor.. PLEASE tell her to phone up the doc you dont want anything to happen to the baby

Stretch Marks!!?

Just GO! (To the hospital)
I pray that adjectives turns out just fine please let us know how it go Good Luck and Congradulations!

Details!...lbs. oz. and length

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You need to contact her physician.

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