My friend is have Period Trouble and is incredibly upset and worried!!

Ok. So my friend is nearly 14 and a bit upset. She started her period about year and a partly ago, but she says that she bearly gets it, and when she does return with it, it lasts for over 10 days.

The last time she have her period was in the order of 2 months ago and it lasted for about 2 weeks. She is getting extraordinarily worried about it.

We started our period roughly around alike time and im regular, so im a bit confused.

Does anyone know why this is happening?

Thanks x]

Answers:    Its normal for girls at your age to be irregular. Your bodies are still going thru puberty and going thru change.

Most girls start to regulate at the age of 17-19.

If she is truely concerned she should contact her doctor..
The best thing to do in a situation resembling this is just see a doctor. I think she may enjoy to get a genital exam done by her doctor to see if she may have a unusual hymen which is letting the blood check out of her body slowly which is causing her to have a longer time of year than usual. Most periods are suppose to last between 3-7 days, so period that are 2 weeks long is very unusual behaviour for someone who started their length almost a year and a half ago.
Tell her not to stress herself over it and just seeing a doctor may be for the best. So copious things can be affecting her periods causing a hitch such as illness, too much excersise, constant involvement in sports and so much more.
I'm not sure, but she might hold Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Check out this website to see if she may have another others symptoms related to POS
My best friend has impossible to tell apart problem. She rarley gets her period any, but she has just be to the doctors about it and got a blood trial taken and she is fine :) Thankfully, the doctor said she is normal and it just happen its perfectly normal! So, relay ur friend not 2 worry :)
Hope i helped hun -xx- It take some girls longer to become regular. As long as she's not sexually active and she's not bleeding so much that she feels scraggy or dizzy, she should be okay. If she can't stop worrying.tell her to go to her doctor.

You're a honourable friend for worrying about this and trying to help..
powerfully thers nothin 2 b worried about! i started whn i ws 10! an sumtimes it lasted 4 more thn 2 weeks i kept thnkin that ther ws sumthin wrong wif mii
and sumtime it jus didnt come! im nw much elder an its stabilized! so jus tell ur friend that thers nothing 2 verbs about! =] Periods can be extremely irregular for the first few years that you have them. If she's really concerned, she should trade name an appointment with her doctor..
it takes some race 2-3 years to get a regular cycle. if she is really worried she should go to the doctor, they may suggest going on a birth control pill because they support to regulate your period. oh its ok nothing is going to crop up every one is different honestly nothing to worry roughly.
thats really weird.

maybe she desires to see a doctor ive never herd of something like that.
the individual time she should be worried is if she had un protective sex! if not next shes safe and normal and nil to worry about..when i be a teen I use to get mine for a long time sometimes i forget when i had it..sometimes its the cause of as you get elder it will become normal for awhile then revise on you again..its like a season will never know the right my bf actually didnt return with her period for like 2 or 3 months and finds out something be wrong with her thyroid that threw her period sour..but she got it back for approaching 1 day of spotting then 2 weeks then she got it for 3 days..but she still needs to receive her thyroid checked..but you guys are young just dont hold unprotective sex and ruin your life and having kids at the age of 14 please..relish your the world experience life to the fullest..

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