My friend have a impetuous on the inside of the jaws of her vagina and bumps on the inside of her vagina.?

What's wrong with her? How do you cure it. (she is 2 weeks pregnant too)

Missed week unpaid..?

It could be a yeast infection, which is common surrounded by pregnant women. However, the bumps could be a sign of herpes virus. Because she is pregnant, she needs to get this checked out without beating about the bush in order to avoid complications near the baby.

Can some one facilitate me beside this?

The horomones produced during pregnancy can cause a flair up of on underlying problem that she might not even be aware of. She wants to be tested for all STD's, including but not limited to herpes and HPV. If it is one of these, I'm afraid to enunciate that there is no cure, yet. But in that are meds that can be taken to lessen the severity and number of outbreaks. I have had HPV for 13 years, and hold had 3 healthy children since my diagnosis.

I didnt miss any pills this month, but ...?

Go see a doctor and go and get tested for STDs. You don't want anything affecting the baby.

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