Micrognon 30 ed, is it unusual to miss a length after taking these pills? have 5 weeks presently and no term?
Did you instinctively regret you first time?Why?
Answers: Have you stopped taking them?If you have then yes it is normal. I stopped taking microgynon 30 style back in July and i didnt have a length until September and then nothing again until December and now i am regulated again and ovulating again!
Good luck hun and dont verbs its normal
It's sort of a grotesque examine?
If you're running 2 packs together over 6 weeks then yeh you wouldn't typically get a period, Also you don't always bleed on the 7 afternoon break either so that's normal. If you stopped taking them 5 weeks ago and haven't had a extent or taken anymore pills I would take a pregnancy test just to be sure especially if you hadn't be taking them very long before you stopped. If you've been taking them more than 3 months it can nick a while to adjust when you come off them so it's probably OK x Source(s): microgynom 30 userQuestion for adjectives women more or less...