Kind of gross, girls with the sole purpose?

alright im really embarassed to even ask thi question, im not dirty or anything like that, but i conjecture i accidently put a tampon in when i already had one contained by, i dont know if i did or not or if its just because i cought a bigger size tampon, usually i get the slim ones and i accidentaly bought the bigger ones, but it feel wierd and wouldnt go all the means of access in, how do i know if i put another one in if i already have one in, and how do i get it out.

i know i shoudld travel to the doctor but im really embarassed and dont want to go through that if its nothing.

Help =/ ?

Don't have a feeling bad. Mistakes can happen to anybody. What you do is squat down within the bathroom and (after washing your hands), use a finger or two two sweep the inside of your vagina (first take out any tampons that you know to be within there, if you haven't already.) It might help to "carry down" a little- push downwards with your abdomen muscles, almost close to you're trying to go to the bathroom. This will help bring the tampon down if it's within there. If there is one, you'll probably grain it by doing this, at which point you can just grasp it and pull it out. They can't walk that far inside of you (they can't get lost, your cervix is in the method.) If you do this and can't feel anything, and are still unsure of whether or not there's a tampon inside you, you need to step to the doctor to be sure. It's not worth the risk of TSS.
However, it does sound like what you're sense might just be the result of using a larger size. It can feel strange at first, as the smaller size probably felt weird at first.
Good luck, I hope I help.

Oh the joy of one a girl. Questions roughly speaking HPV vaccines, PAP smears, and stuff.?

You certainly wont be the 1st girl to turn up at her docs with this problem honey.. It can take place to many. You may be embarrassed and i applaud you for putting this on here. You probably are helping other girls too. Your doc will a short time ago check inside and if there is one still present then he wil remove it placidly with a slim tong like utensil.It shouldnt hurt you.Its never happen to me but has happened to my friend until that time and she was so stressed but i urged her to go and after she wondered what all the fuss was roughly speaking! By the way..Dont leave it too long as you dont want an infection.(though that can other be treated with an antibiotic.
I wish you in good health. You will be fine!

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usually you remember those kind of things, but if not. remove the first one and consequently take your finger, put it up their and feel around for it. You will be capable of feel the tampon or at least the string. If you can't grab hold of it and you know for a fact its in their, progress to the doctors.

I havent get my extent within something like 3 months but im still a virgin.. is that conventional?

its not a big, never ending hole. it's only more or less 3-4 inches deep. you can reach the hindmost with your fingers, so just bring out the tampon you know is in and feel around for the other one.

GUYS: Do you resembling girls near: big boobs, big butt, shaved (arms,legs,private), and skinny or not?

Sweetheart never be feeling guilty about going to your doctor about anything nearby is nothing they have never see before and I assure you the doctor will not be embarrassed.

Cervical Biopsy come subsidise as "moderate to severe dysplasia" What does that miserable?

Your vagina doesn't in recent times keep goin, if you felt within there with your fingers, you would know if one be in there or not.

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adjectives i have to say is shift to the doctor

***** better safe than sorry ! *****

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ya that would be embarrassin to go to the docters but perchance u shouldddd

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First of all, don't worry because this can be fixed. It's not gross, this happen to girls all the time. In the future, since putting in a tampon make sure contained by your head that you took the old one out. Try to surface inside a little to see if you feel a tampon. If you do discern one, pull it out. It's very awfully important that you don't leave a tampon contained by if it really still is there. If you have any doubt, walk to the doctor right away to have them check. Doctors can easily check and remove the tampon if it's at hand. I know it's embarrassing to go to the doctor for this, but it's not as unpromising as leaving the tampon in. If you walk off the tampon in accidentally, very fruitless things can happen (such as the potentially deadly TSS disease, or I've even hear of skin growing around the tampon when it was left contained by for a very long time). You have zilch to worry about, purely make sure you see the doctor if you have any doubt something like the tampon still being in.

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When inserting a tampon, it sometimes go sideways surrounded by the vagina.?
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