Is it possible to grasp a spell (not a wd bleed) up to that time 28 days after stopping the pill?
I stopped the pill a week ago and get a wd bleed. Is it possible to get a period back 28 days?
I ovulated immediately after my wd bleed- I thought this occurs 14 days in the past a period?
I know the body is out of whack after stopping the pill. Ive been on for 14 years if that resources anything.
Thx for ur help :)
A Q. almost wax down in good health you know where on earth?
Yes, it is possible to get a interval within 28 days of stopping the pill.Will it brand it difficult for me to receive pregnant?
I stink!!?
Help! I'm on the pill but i get sick after taking it. will it still work??
Is this possible?